Matt and Gabumon Join the DigiDestined | Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 8

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Yamato returns alongside Gabumon. Gabumon has an epic digivolution sequence and we see the crest of friendship bloom. Matt and Tai lead the team as they break into the fortress. Digimon Adventure Episode 8: The Children's Attack on the fortress! Here is the Digimon 2020 Episode 8 REVIEW.
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Basically, Digimon does a re-enactment of the 'D-Day' landings.

The opening scenes really put me in mind of the Dagomon episode from 02, what with the fog and lighthouse. I almost expected Gesomon to pop up again. A number of my favourite grunt Digimon also put in an appearance.

Joe being motivated partially by practicality, and largely by cowardice. Costing them the life of one Private Towel! Good thing he and Mimi had their plot armour on. :P

So do they intend to show us how Yamato and Gabumon initially met? Or just skip over all that like with Koushiro and Tentomon, again.


That episode was really awesome
Great vid


Taichi is way different to its adventure 99 counterpart because he's not based on adventure 99 taichi, he's based on Taichi from Digimon adventure V-Tamer 01 manga (1998), also known as the first taichi, and yes, there are three taichis now with completely different stories for each one.
To clarify in the 98's manga we have only Taichi as a protagonist, and there he's not a chosen child, he's a tamer and in that universe there are no other 7 chosen children with him, that's why unlike the protagonist, the other kids in adventure 2020 feel for the most part like their 99 counterparts with some minor changes, and to compensate 2020 taichi new personality, I think that's why they changed yamato a little bit.
If you're interested here's part of the interview with the 2020 anime composer (Tomioka) and V-tamer's mangaka (Yabuno) with that information:
-What are your impressions of the various renditions of Taichi that are in the 1999 series "Digimon Adventure, " in "V-Tamer 01, " and "Digimon Adventure:"?
Yabuno: At the beginning of serialization, we had a limit of 13 pages per month, so V-Tamer Taichi had to carry on his duty alone, without many appearances of other characters. Because of that, and also probably because it was to Izawa-san's tastes, V-Tamer Taichi had a straight head on his shoulders and had to be a bit mature. The 1999 Taichi worked with a team, so he was able to expose the weaker, human parts of himself, and my impression of him is that he is very human. My first impression of the new Taichi is that he's similar to V-Tamer Taichi, so for this collab, I felt incredibly close to him in that way.
Tomioka: To tell you the truth, the new Taichi is based on V-Tamer Taichi. The director, along with the production team, made a very conscious decision on that. His [new Taichi's] basic format is having inherited the personality of the original Taichi, but with the ability to observe situations calmly and send out instructions as per V-Tamer. I want to form this new series where the children are always with their Digimon, fighting together, hurt together, getting through dangers together. From that, I want to make a Taichi that constantly pulls his friends forward, has a strong sense of responsibility, and is a dependable hero.


I love your commentary. I already knew Gabumon would get an evolution sequence. It's just like old times. Agumon and Gabumon get all the perks. It looks cool, but I want to see all of them have that.


I had a feeling Gabumon would get his own Digivolution stock scene, since the ending heavily focuses on Matt, as the opening does Tai.

And it's REALLY messing up my OCD something fierce. If you listen closely, you can hear Biyomon sobbing in envious anguish... poor bird...

But in seriousness, Gabumons scene was more visually pleasing, aesthetics wise, with the cold blues, amd the neat touch of briefly seeing Gabumon without his fur pelt.


These animators dont realize how much we like the transformation sequences from the OG series.
And now Its like watching a magical girl anime without the transformation scenes, kinda felt off.


Everyone is getting character development. I love it. Yamato called everyone dead weight because he wanted to protect them. Love that.

I just skip passed the preview and opening song (it's bad any way).


The only two are missing our Hikari and Takeru


I was expecting garurumon to digivolve it's ultimate form first


Doesn't anyone think that Sorato is beeing foreshadowed? Sora was the only one who introduced herself to Yamato and he was left speechless of her bravery. Also, didn't Sora say that he was really amazing? That's strange... I also think Mimi and Joe could be a couple, since Palmon saved Joe's butt and he was with Mimmi all the time! I hope things are gonna get good for the kids! Also, why are they showing Tai off that much and why don't they respect Birdramon? That was mean!😠


First, I love your videos. Second, I think the Digimon reboot is doing great, it's a new story without taking the escense of Digimon, which is nice.


i love this ep and 9 is gona be cool finally seeing my boy metal tyranomon


I usually not look at those little bits of what's gonna happen at the start of the episode. Its kinda not needed and ends up spoiling you


I so want to see the evolution. and this episode it so looked like it would happen


Honestly watching this episode, i hope Fire Emblem inspired Digimon game that will come this year has the same level of strategy as this episode. This episode already looks alike medium difficulty of Fire Emblem Level. I feel the crew doesnt like Bridramon that much, her attacks tend to not do much damage and her digievolution tends to be cut. I mean Togemon´s spikes does more damage to tanks than Bidramon´s meteors to a corrupted dinosaur?


Are you sure it was Soundbirdmon controlling the Digimon at the fortress? Because none of them had glowing red eyes. Maybe they were just doing their jobs to protect whatever was inside.


There's something different from this version of Tai. Like there's a je ne sais quoi that's missing from Tai.


Not sure I liked the scene where Matt was looking back at the others. Why was it so drawn out? I get what they were going for with matt activating his.. Crestivice? But with all the slow mo and glowing white it's like..Dude. Are you acknowledging the other kids or twitterpatting?


In old season Yamato/Matt has always been person who usually thinks about the group safety. Sometimes does question tai intuition. I notice that tai and mat don’t seem Fighting as much this season. Maybe it would happen later. It appear to me Matt doesn’t seem like he never had friends before.


I was waiting for a good episode and we got it. The only thing I don’t like are the absent evolution scenes.
