VBA to Read, Write, Update, Delete data in Google Sheet & Google Drive - GAPIS VBA Library

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GoogleApisVBA a bridging solution that helps to integrate office applications with google sheets and drive using VBA. Detailed walk-through. Integrate VBA Project with Google Sheet & Google Drive using GoogleApisVBA Library - Premium Version

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00:00:00 Intro
00:00:54 Create Cloud Project
00:01:03 Features Comparison
00:06:39 Verify Office Bit Version
00:07:13 Install Library
00:07:52 Code Sample file
00:07:52 Cloud Project Credential files
00:08:32 Add Reference to library
00:08:59 Validate License
00:09:36 Service Configuration
00:13:06 Check library version
00:13:22 Test Code Execution
00:13:22 Consent Screen
00:13:22 Create Drive Folder
00:14:58 Create Drive Subfolder
00:16:42 Delete file or folder
00:17:24 Upload Single or Multiple files
00:23:06 Download file
00:25:26 Update existing file
00:27:11 Move file or folder by query
00:27:11 Move file or folder by ID
00:29:27 Create Permission
00:32:05 List all Permissions for the file
00:33:08 Delete Permission
00:35:05 List files and folder in Drive
00:35:05 List Drive objects using Query
00:44:24 Create Google Sheets
00:45:39 Create Sheet and move file, add and delete tab
00:48:52 Clear values
00:50:05 Delete Rows
00:50:05 Delete Columns
00:51:31 Append data to Google Sheets
00:54:51 Load Excel data to Google Sheet
01:00:21 Update non-adjacent cells in Google Sheets
01:04:07 Retrieve Data from Google Sheets
01:06:53 Get tab id by name
01:07:02 Update range in Google Sheet
01:10:04 Update non adjacent cells - Sample 2
01:13:07 Other useful non-GoogleAPIs related VBA
01:13:32 Accessing logs

📌What to watch next:

VBA to Read data in Google Sheet
VBA to Retrive data in Google Sheet
VBA to Add data in Google Sheet
VBA to Update data in Google Sheet
VBA to Delete data in Google Sheet
VBA to Upload file to Google Drive
VBA to Update file to Google Drive
VBA to Delete file to Google Drive
VBA to Control Permission file in Google Drive
Рекомендации по теме

I want to leave my full thanks to Pamai for the brilliant work done, and undoubtedly for all of us an opening of new project scenarios.


Again a video with some uniqueness. How an excel lover cannot be a subscriber!!!!


Keep up great work. Regards from Japan!


Hello Can you help me out for the below case?

I am working on one google sheet, where I have applied data validation on date (i.e. user can enter / select only today's / current date for data entry.)

Now the case is, sometime due to some reason, user was not able to do entry on same day, so I want Owner / admin can violate that data validation criteria and can enter / select previous date.


Hi, even if i've subscribed to you chanel time ago, i stop to follow you due to 2 reason.
You have huge knowledges but i cann't follow you when you present your tutorials.
First of all you move the mouse unnecessarly and very fast, what make me (people) tired very fast.
Secondly you explain a bounch of code already written, my opinion, without logic.
Instead of all that, i'd appreciate and furhermore, i'd understand what you do much better then now, if you'd write the code from the beginning with us, at the very start of your tutorial, with all explication you give, instead to jump from here to there.
Anyway thank for your effort and time you spend here.


Much awaited upgrade. Thank you so much


This is really awesome, very useful. Thanks for the update, I was really looking forward to have this great custom VBA class library. Thanks sir Pamai


Another great addition Pamai. Thanks for the upgrade


Agree with all the good comment pouring in - opening new opportunities for automation.
Thank you!


Thank you so much for another solution which has open up new possibilities


I have been searching for a solution like this because it's not practical to invest a lot of effort in directly making it work with VBA. Thank you for providing this option, and I'm excited to use it. It seems very promising and will greatly assist in integrating my VBA project with Google Sheets and Docs.


Thanks, this undoubtedly opens new project scenarios.
Is 'API Usage & Multiple PC Based' license usage counted based on Google API usage/calls or function count? We're looking for multi users license


Amazing work as always. Great contribution VBA community. Cheers!


Another amazing 🤩 video! You’ve really simplified working with google sheets using VBA programs


I bought googleApisVBA Premium. However, I miss the ability to change the formatting of cells. Is there any way to change the formatting of cells in google sheet with VBA?


Great job VBA A2Z / Pamai.
Extremely excited to discover more from your channel. Simply amazing


Thank you so much. I see good scope for Freelancers like me.


I have few questions. Is there a forum I can ask or email the questions with sample data? Btw, this library is super useful and make working with Google sheets really easy


Superb, thank you. This is going to take all my VBA based projects to whole new level.
Keep it up!!!


Learned so much from you. Thank you sooo much
