LIVE ISTDP Therapy Session

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Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy also known as ISTDP is a type of psychotherapy that looks to understand patients' current suffering and make sense of it based on what's going on in their lives. It is an effective therapy for a spectrum of issues including anxiety, depression, personality disorders and self-defeating behaviors that likely stemmed from unstable or early life experiences.

Dr. Kristy Lamb is trained in this unique form of psychodynamic psychotherapy. Watch her walk Kyle through a difficult emotion—which has resulted from a past trauma—that has been manifesting throughout his life. Kyle will discover some hidden emotions stemming from this life altering event, and will unravel why and how it's impacted him so deeply.

How is this type of therapy different than traditional talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) or something else?

#WorldMentalHealthDay #MedCircle
Рекомендации по теме

Therapy is so interesting to me because its like its all logical conclusions I could come to on my own, but I just dont? And they ask me some basic questions and its suddenly clear. Very curious.


I love how this therapist is humble and actively engages versus just listening. Kyle, thank you for your openness and courage.


Kyle is a great client. Its so much harder for someone who has little experience of exploratory therapy.
Thank you Kyle, feel a little love from a stranger. We all need that.


This is eye-opening. Avoidance is such a strong defense mechanism that looks like strength but actually keeps us from connection and healing. Thanks for sharing this. Island living is something I am completely familiar with.


I think it is amazing how courageous you have been in this series of mock therapy sessions to allow yourself to be vulnerable in front of thousands of people. I have really learned alot as a result of these sessions and am thankful that MedCircle put them together. I would imagine you were quite tired after these sessions as alot of ground was covered in each one. Hope you honored that tiredness!! Thank you again


There was so much I could relate to that I felt like I had just gone through my own therapy session.


She’s pretty good. I think if she’d allowed the session to be twice as long, he would have experienced more meaningful revelations about himself and ways of dealing with it. The only way to cross barriers is to uncover feelings, but you can do that by yourself, at your own pace, where taught how and often come up with deeper revelations. It may be that he wasn’t often given the time to process things growing up and in life due to others’ demands and granting himself that space is actually, sometimes healthy, but also granting himself time with others is healthy.Realizing he deserves just as much or more than he grants others would be a great door opener for releasing the strict structure he has condemned himself to. A lot of us are often taught in indirect and direct ways not to take up very much space, so we habitually never give ourselves enough space.


This is what empaths look and sound like. I feel for such mental health professionals. They give so much of themselves to those in need.


Cried through the entire session. Hearing the part of not wanting to be a burden, I can do it myself, pushing people away and helping others until exhaustion was like a step into my world. The awareness brought to my attention from hearing this and how we try and escape taking care of ourselves by taking care of others is the story of my life. Diagnosed with CPTSD, HIgh functioning anxiety and seems much more logical to me to navigate the world isolated than it is to burden others with these issues. Getting to the roots of the depressive episodes when it happens and unraveling that ball of hot mess is so difficult and smothered in fear. Thank you for doing these sessions, it helps to not feel alone in feeling this way and try to make sense of it all. We are strong and so very brave to love ourselves enough to look at the shadows and bring them to the light to heal. Much love to you Kyle we got this! <3


I watched to the very end. Oh Kyle… how I felt the discomfort rising in me, too.

Dr Lamb, thank you for sharing a new modality with us. And for bringing a part of yourself and your compassion into the room.

Cannot wait for Part 2!


A lot of people become self-sufficient because people put them down or ignore them when they want help. Or the people will ask you questions, and you give them info, and suddenly they make excuses why they can't help.


That was intense. Love Kyle's openness. It allows us to truly gain some insight as to the value process, the conflict many people experience in therapy, and why so many are unwilling to engage in the process. There is a fine line between being strong and independent and benefiting by allowing others to support us without being codependent.


Love your invite, Kyle - yes, made it to the end, and learned something about myself. I'm another 'I'm good' person who has spent much time on the island, for better and for worse. That got really clear in this video, along with wanting to look at that more clearly and exercise choice about when to be and when not to be on the island. Thanks!


That was amazing. Kyle, thank you for your vulnerability, and Dr. Lamb for your skill and kindness.


I just learned about ISTDP. This was a great video! Thank you to those who participated and posted this.


Hi Kyle, thank you for being so open to share this with us. You are a beautiful soul and I hope you are rewarded with the kindness you deserve. The therapist was obviously very good and I hope you've continued working with her; she's amazing. Hope Kalley is helping - my own Lab, Bella, is a major help with my depression and other issues. If you're ever in Toronto, would be great to meet. Warm hugs!


Made it! I love how transparent these sessions are. We'll done!


Such a good session to watch. Thank you Kyle for being such an engaging client and to Dr. Lamb for her awesomeness. ISTDP is a wonderful framework - challenging, intimate and can rip the lid off of decades of pathology so quickly and so thoroughly. I can't wait to see the recap!


At last a real and provoking session in youtube, no marketing, no cuts, wonderfull!


Wow, this is so relatable. Thanks for being so open with us, Kyle! Dr. Lam, you're excellent!
