'I Never Forgot You' – 30 Years of Farmer-to-Farmer

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Can an average American farmer solve developing-world issues? Well, for 30 years the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer program has proved the answer is an emphatic “yes.” As a proud implementing partner since 1991, Winrock International continues to send volunteers all around the world to teach struggling farmers new skills and innovative techniques; manage youth agriculture training programs; or help fish farmers improve their quality and meet demand.

Filmmaker: Gabe Gentry
Animation: T.J. McCoy
Footage provided by: The Winthrop Rockefeller Institute

Winrock International is a recognized leader in U.S. and international development, providing solutions to some of the world’s most complex social, agricultural and environmental challenges. Inspired by its namesake Winthrop Rockefeller, Winrock’s mission is to empower the disadvantaged, increase economic opportunity and sustain natural resources. Winrock combines technical expertise with entrepreneurial innovation to improve lives around the globe.
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