Yamê - Bécane (Official Video)

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Yamê - Bécane (Official Video)

Prod. Yamê, Pandrezz, Kronomuzik, Epektase

Production: DIGITAL NAK
Directed by Mateo Da Silva

Youth SMHR

Ian kegs
Prince ayon
Krixian Siakam
Suleman Walad
Le fantôme

Merci à la ville de Douala, au Port de Douala, M. Samuel Mvondo (du syndicat Moto), M. Olivier Mundo, Pagal BALEBA, Stan 9Five

Merci Douala
Merci le Continent

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#Yamê #Bécane #OfficialVideo #ELOWI
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Molas, english subtitles are available 🏍
Thanks for the support 🫶🏾


The softest and most artistic way to sing about smoking weed.


man you wouldn't belive the kind of shit I typed on the internet to find this song but couldn't.. finally I'm here.


Can’t believe one of my favorite songs to drive to is a French track about a guy escaping his stress by smoking his weed and riding his bike, not giving a fuck. And whoever produced the beat along with his vocals, smooth as fuck.


Un artiste capable de faire percer un son mondialement on en voit pas tous les jours


If you are listening to this masterpiece in the year 2094, just know Yamé's Bacane was one of the greatest songs that broke the language barrier. It was so good that everyone who heard the song in 2024 was in awe of this masterpiece. We did not understand French but we knew what He was singing about because this music touched the soul.


it's like a new genre in music. the way he sings is so unique. it's like hip-hop, soul music or RnB with a bit of jazz and blues but sung with unknown elements.


Merci yame pour cette déclaration d'amour . Tu es un fils du continent 🇨🇲 et le continent t'aime .
Une grande carrière t'attend, Va et rayonne, deviens l'etoile la plus étincelante de cette galaxie


Let’s raise this flag 🇨🇲 higher. So proud to be Cameroonian. Thanks so much Yame to represent Le continent 🇨🇲♥️🇨🇲♥️🇨🇲🇨🇲♥️🇨🇲♥️🇨🇲♥️🇨🇲


Le fait que ce son à exploser dans tout les pays montre bien que musicalement c’est une masterpiece.
J’étais plus trop dans la musique Française car je trouvais qu’artistiquement parlant, la plupart des sons étaient plus autant poussés qu’avant, mais ce son m’a carrément fais craquer


In Kenya 🇰🇪 We love and feel this though we don't understand French. Merci Yame, Merci Cameroon 🇨🇲, Merci Continent. I Love you All.


No naked women, money flashing or expensive alcohol. Just pure artistry nje!!! South Africa is here to sign the register. Talent beyond any imagination.


Yamê ✨, l'artiste qui est capable de faire percer un son jusqu'à conquérir le monde entier. Continue de kiffer, continue de faire ce que tu aimes, la vraie musique et nous tes fans allons continuer de te soutenir. ❤❤


The fact that it was Becane that took off to the world when he has many Songs that are Top flight even as he was younger...I'm still very happy he is being recognized. From 🇺🇸 Yame' your frequency is here!


On va dire que je suis chauvin car je suis d'origine Camerounaise, mais le style vestimentaire, le charisme, la chanson, la bécane, le clip pas une seule fausse note. Je suis pas du genre à être Fan, mais il y a que les imbéciles qui ne changent pas d'avis.
Merci Yamê


Dope song, dope video, shot in Douala, Cameroon with the local commercial bike riders. Props to Yame for coming back home to shoot his music video for his hit song.


J'en ai presque les larmes à la beauté du clip en fusion avec la chanson.
Merci Yamê pour la moto avec les cornes qui fait un clin d'oeil au film classique Sénégalais Touki Bouki sorti en 1973 et qui raconte l'histoire d'un couple d'aventuriers qui rêvent d'immigrer en France.❤

Félicitations 🎉


Les Brésiliens sont là pour honorer votre travail. La musique est très bonne, tout le succès du monde ! Merci pour la mélodie incomparable!🇧🇷🇧🇷


The song Bécane is a raw expression of rebellion and discontent with social norms. The title 'Bécane', which can be translated from French as 'motorcycle', is a metaphor for freedom and escaping the restrictions imposed by society. The song's lyrics reflect an attitude of defiance and a search for autonomy, where the artist distances himself from other people's expectations and judgments, choosing to follow his own path.

Throughout the song, Yamê references historical figures such as Sankara and Cheikh Anta, choosing them as models of inspiration. These references indicate an admiration for leaders and thinkers who challenged the status quo and fought for meaningful change. The mention of 'a German engine', known for its reliability, suggests a search for something solid and reliable amidst the chaos. The lyrics also address the idea that despite speaking the same language as others, there is a disconnect as people only seem to understand the 'language of violence'.

The repetition of the chorus, where the artist mentions going out on his motorbike and smoking marijuana, ignoring the dangers, symbolizes an act of liberation and an escape from the oppressive reality, represented by the 'barreaux de barreaux en fer' (iron bars). The 'bécane' that 'screams' and the act of leaving 'hell' on a 'gros fer' (large iron) are powerful images that evoke the sensation of escaping from a prison, whether literal or metaphorical. Yamê's music, therefore, is a hymn to individual freedom and resistance against the forces that seek to limit personal expression and self-determination.


Mon bantu yamé🇨🇲 fière de ces origines. Va faire une tres tres grande carrières et viens nous remplie nos stades car tu es bénis par ton continent nous sommes fières de toi et n'arrête pas de mettre en valeurs ton originalité bantu 🇨🇲 nous te soutenons ❤
