Bite-sized Cantonese 60:large numbers #learncantonese #shorts

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Hi Cantonese learners,
In the episode of Bite-sized cantonese, I will offer you guys 5 Cantonese flashcards.
Additional worksheets and Supplementary audio exercise are available to download in Patreon, please visit the link below.
Your support is important for me to continue this channel. Thank you! 🙏🏻
Click the link below for the FREE sample worksheet.
🔹INSTAGRAM @pull_a_thread
❤️Please subscribe my YouTube channel
I am Amanda from Hong Kong. I make easy and practical cantonese learning videos for complete beginners to intermediate level.
My full time job is a flight attendant. I enjoy studying foreign languages. My job allows me to visit many places and meet many people. So that I have more chances to practice what I have learned.
Due to the covid, I haven't fly regularly for over a year. I find Youtube is extremely helpful for maintaining my language proficiency. One day, out of curiosity, I looked for cantonese learning channels. I was so surprised that there are so little and most of the good one are even from overseas. That's why I started "5 minute cantonese" on 2020.
In the episode of Bite-sized cantonese, I will offer you guys 5 Cantonese flashcards.
Additional worksheets and Supplementary audio exercise are available to download in Patreon, please visit the link below.
Your support is important for me to continue this channel. Thank you! 🙏🏻
Click the link below for the FREE sample worksheet.
🔹INSTAGRAM @pull_a_thread
❤️Please subscribe my YouTube channel
I am Amanda from Hong Kong. I make easy and practical cantonese learning videos for complete beginners to intermediate level.
My full time job is a flight attendant. I enjoy studying foreign languages. My job allows me to visit many places and meet many people. So that I have more chances to practice what I have learned.
Due to the covid, I haven't fly regularly for over a year. I find Youtube is extremely helpful for maintaining my language proficiency. One day, out of curiosity, I looked for cantonese learning channels. I was so surprised that there are so little and most of the good one are even from overseas. That's why I started "5 minute cantonese" on 2020.
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