How to connect your .net web application to the database using Code First Approach | .Net 5.0

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This video covers how to use connect a web application to the database using Entity Framework with Code First Approach.

Code used in the video can be downloaded here:

Ensure to install ef tools before doing migration
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

After migration you can also check the migrations table with the script below
SELECT TOP (1000) [MigrationId],[ProductVersion] FROM [MyFirstDatabase].[dbo].[__EFMigrationsHistory]

Migration commands executed in the video
- dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreation -o "Data/Security/Migrations" --context ApplicationDbContext
- dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreation -o "Data/Web/Migrations" --context WebContext

0:00 - Introduction
02:05 - Entity Framework ORM
04:40 - NuGet Package Manager for installing plugin/package/library
08:01 - Data context and migration class files explanation
08:41 - Code First Approach
10:15 - Database First Approach
11:53 - DbContext files re-structured and summary
14:19 - Registering Database Context services in the Startup class and connection string setup for the database
20:12 - Entities in relation to Database tables and Person Entity Creation
24:45 - Database Migration Files Creation
32:15 - Apply Migration to Database
39:00 - Retrieving Data from the database
44:50 - HTML Table for display data retrieved by the application from the database and Bootstrap summary
50:15 - outro

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