Satipatthana Workshop 2 I (Part 16) | Ajahn Brahmali | 12 March 2022

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In the first part of the Satipatthana workshop, we looked at general issues, such as the place of satipatthana on the Noble Eightfold path and what it originally may have meant.

In this second part, we will apply the findings of the first workshop to the Satipatthana Sutta:
1. We will investigate the Satipatthana Sutta in detail with a view to discover how the Buddha most likely wanted us to go about this practice.
2. We will look at each satipatthana exercise in detail and discuss its place on the path.

The final result will be a simple and practical guide to meditation practice.

Recorded at Dhammaloka Buddhist Centre, Perth, Western Australia.

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I have finished watching all 16 parts of the workshop. I want to thank Ajahn Brahmali and Ajahn Sunyo for the teaching, to all the helpers including those who edited the videos and put up all the resources online for us, and to BSWA for supporting this course.


Dear Ven Ajahn Brahmali thero,
May this Dhamma alms given to us with great dedication and clarity be the cause for you to attain Nibbana.


No one on any of the dhamma channels talks about a crucial topic. This is money, financial stability. It will be great to see videos on how to stay in equanimity when suffering is triggered by lack of money, failing in earning money to live on this earth for one self and loved ones. The suffering caused by financial pain, no one shows how to be in equanimity in such a situation. Money impacts everything from having food, shelter, educating kids, hygiene, relationship, business, career and much more. Hey, it impacts us getting access to such videos, internet access requires money as well. It seems no one in dhamma wants to help on this crucial topic.


I am looking forward to a workshop on the higher mind (Jhanas etc.) and Nibbana (very important for Buddhists to know what is nibbana)


For long I wanted to understand the Satipatthana sutta, it's significance etc. Loads of Merit Venerable Ajahn Brahmali...


SN46.40 (not SN46.37) has the same pāli words in MN19

Don't know why but SN46.52 is useful to see aspects of the bojjhaṅgas (how 7 become 14). Thank you!


From what I see the Pañña Paramita sutta neglects the 37 wings to awakening? Is that right?


"If we are not careful with understanding Satipatthana for what it is, if we make it make it less profound than what it is, if we think that contemplation of the mind, for example, just means being aware of mental states in daily life, or whatever it is that we do. If we don't fully understand the profundity of this, then it diminishes these practices. And when you diminish Satipatthana, then the consequence is that the rest of the path also tends to get diminished.

So if we understand Satipatthana properly as meditation leading to Samadhi, then we can start to get an idea of what real Samadhi is about. So we don't want to diminish the Samadhi and make it into 'Jhana light' or anything like that. If we diminish Samadhi and Satipatthana then the rest of the Dhamma also diminishes. Liberation itself becomes something less than what it actually is in the suttas.

So it matters that we try to understand these things in the right way, and if we don’t, then we may end up with a problem as a consequence." 

- Ajahn Brahmali @ 1:30:03
