Parrot Anafi Flight Plan

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Landscape photographer Shawn Williams gives a tutorial and demo of the Parrot Anafi drone Flight Plan feature. He explains what it can do and how to set it up in the app . Shawn demonstrates the use of the flight plan feature with drone footage and app screen recordings. He shows how he has used Flight Plan in a previous YouTube Parrot Anafi Drone review video with some sample footage. Flight plan is the Parrot Anafi best UAV feature.

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Flight Plan is fantastic value. Mine cost me 99p, the price of a McDonald's cheeseburger! It has allowed me to have a whole new kind of adventure.
The best part of the Flight Plan is that it will allow the drone to continue its mission even if the signal is lost. You could, for example, have a flight plan that took the drone around a church tower such that it wasn't in view for a short period. It might be hit and miss if the signal was blocked. In manual flight, if the signal was lost the drone would rise to RTH height and return directly to the take-off point, which might involve an unscheduled collision with the top of tower. But with a Flight Plan mission the drone would continue on in its orbit regardless of a break in the control signal. Obviously an orbit that goes around a point of interest smoothly in one go looks a lot better than one which is broken up into sections. With great power comes great responsibility. The Flight Plan can help you fly anywhere within the range of the battery, you have to decide how far you let yourself succumb to temptation. You just tell yourself that it is a fail-safe back-up plan that enables you to do more controlled shots. That justification wears a bit thin when you are plotting orbits around buildings two miles away.
There is a screen which shows you how long the flight plan will last. You can also use this to schedule the taking of stills of various types, at various intervals. You can also alter the pitch of the camera when it is not under the control of the points of interest feature.
You can start recording a hyperlapse then engage a flight plan which will continue the recording. It starts recording video at the beginning of the flight plan unless you are already recording, in which case that recording and those settings continue.
Always ensure that the final point on your Flight Plan is within earshot of your piloting position and you have a clear view of it. If the worst happens and you get a break in signal and a failure to reestablish video feed (it can happen) you want to be able to know where your drone has returned to so you can do a line of sight landing with no help from the video feed. A failure to reestablish the video feed can be cured, most times, by rebooting Free Flight 6. Doing that when your drone is anything other than nearby takes courage.


You are a gem! Thanks so much for the best of all attempts at explaining flight plan in such detail. If I want to fly in a relatively small area, say a baseball baseline defined… Is there a way to set waypoints in a smaller area? On my iPhone I can zoom into the map, but the waypoints grow so large and cover each other preventing adjustments.


Shawn - Great tutorial and video demo. Appreciate you taking the time to provide an in-depth review and demonstration on how to purchase, activate and use the ANAFI Flight Plan feature. I'll be purchasing the add - on. :).


Hi Shawn... A great tutorial and demo video, thank you... Best regards...


very easy to understand.... I did notice at 7.10 the FPV is showing full screen on your device, yet on my Galaxy S8+ I have grey borders on both sides and the FPV feed is not showing full screen.... Hmmmm.... what am I doing wrong....LOL, and thanks for the tutorial :-)


Hi Shawn. Another brilliant video. Do you know is it possible to instruct the anafi to take photos at each waypoint?


Can you use sport mode and flight plan at the same time


I would like to report that I have created a web page that greatly simplifies the creation of a flight plan online and allows you to perform operations that are not present in FF6. For example, rotating the flight plan or moving it to a new position.


nice, i'm thinking about buying one


I have done everything on the Maps menu ie selecting one some way away.
Allow it to go through the 17 steps but whatever I do it still goes back to the original that is my home
Cant find that remote map
any ideas


Hey. Thanks for the video, I will try this on my Anafi (which is the second one in 3 weeks as the first was faulty) but I do have a question please that nobody seems to be able to help with (including Parrot support) I have an iPhone 11 pro and use it on the controller. The drone picks up decent GPS but the controller is red with no GPS. This means I cannot use many features of the Anafi .... Wifi is connected, location services on and decent reception on my phone - but no controller would you know any fix for this please? Thank you --- in advance. Paul Mac


Can it be set up on your computer at home (like Litchi) or must it be done on your phone?


Plz halpe me how to connect anafi drone in wifi thx


Hi Shawn, thanks for this very informative tutorial. I have set up a number of flight plans to record videos of the progress on a road development project and seem to have it working fine. However, during some of the flights the drone slows to a stop at some waypoints, particulary at the second waypoint on a plan. I have te speed before and after the waypoint set to 9m/s and the flight altitude is 80m throughout. Is there a speed associated with a waypoint?


Just got my Anafi (upgrade from Bebop) really useful video.


thank you Parrots site's tutorial sucks...


Great video as always Shawn.. my one is greyed out so cant use it - i have bought it...any ideas?


can these flight plans be set up using the phone only or does it need to be connected to the controller?


Buenos días se puede hacer la traducción al español gracias


Yeah flight plan is great except: It ignores the hight settings of the Points of Interest. Maybe I did something wrong? It should look down at the playground or up at the horizon based on the heights you set on your points of interest.
Anyone got this working?
