The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis won't go away: more evidence!

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Catastrophe also holds a fascination wherever in time it may happen and that certainly holds true for the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis.
About 12,800 years ago, global temperatures plunged and the ensuing cool period lasted over 1,000 years.
Much ink has been spilled over the years wrangling over the cause of this momentous event - was it a sudden freshwater surge spilling out of a lake, was it volcanoes, was it a solar super flare … or was it the one that appeals most to popular imagination - an impact with a comet or asteroid?
Well, a new study gives weight to the latter idea and finds new evidence that yes indeed, there was a cosmic impact at the beginning of the Younger Dryas event.

00:00 - Introduction
01:49 - Why are we talking about the YDIH now?
03:24 - Some background & the Abu Hureyra connection
07:28 - Technical aspects?
12:20 - Controversy
16:38 - More to come?
17:25 - Impact of the Younger Dryas on human history
19:59 - Why is it called the Younger Dryas?
21:31 - Wrapping up & goodbyes

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Hi guys! I'm an author on this paper!

Andrew Moore was approached by the CRG because Abu Hureyra was known to span the YD boundary. When analysis revealed impact proxies, Moore revisited prior interpretations of the site such as a burn layer he previously thought was odd but attributed to cooking fires.

There are 5 papers on Abu Hureyra. Bunch et al. 2012, Moore et al. 2020 and Moore et al. 2023a, 2023b, 2023c.

There are more than 120 papers supporting the YDIH and about 70 criticising it. All can be read on the comprehensive YDIH bibliography on Cosmic Tusk.


As a retired geologist, I have worked in impact structures and re-stratigraphic sediments with mineralization and have also learned the trade in the very glacial domains of Scandinavia, Greenland, and New Zealand, a hypothesis saying that globally affected geological and astronomical events is nothing new, there has been deep correlations of such events, like the Tunguska event around 1908. One of my professors in paleontology, Björn Kurtén, from Åbo, voiced ideas that interstadial changes did affect our forefathers, proven by Svante Pääbo et al. Why is this a discussion, meteorites and vulcanism has through all of the planet's history altered the life conditions. Look at the Lockne crater southeast of Östersund; there exists a fossil of an octopus getting a part of the meteorite in its head. Also, during the Ice Age, Sahara was a flourishing Eden, now dried out. What happened to those animals and humanoids. Something happened in Syria during the same period, younger Dryas, forcing a new way of life. A correlation between the dry out of the Saharas and changes in the levant might been ONE of the causes, astroblemes another. I people fights about such, then we are in a bad way. Nils-Axel Mörners Gothenburg theory about the earth magnetics might be a clue, though he was wrong at times and right in others.


Congrats on 80k, gents. In my opinion, you should have at least 2 million subscribers


This is where I come to when I want to listen to two intelligent, funny people talking and discussing interesting topics.
Half the time I've no idea what you're talking about, the other half I'm so fascinated by you two talking, that I can't listen. 😅

I'm always pleased though when I get a notification. And I know that any comment helps the channel grow.
I'm sorry I have nothing more intelligent to contribute to the discussion though.


Mr. George Howard
Dr. Allen West
Dr. Malcolm LeCompte
Dr. Ted Bunch
Dr. Christopher Moore
Dr. James Kennett
Dr. Richard Firestone
Dr. Wendy Wolbach
Mr. Marc Young
Dr. James Wittke
Dr. Douglas Kennett
Dr. Adrian Melott
Mr. Adrienne Stich
Dr. Albert C. Goodyear
Dr. Andrei Kurbatov
Dr. Andrew M.T. Moore
Dr. Andrew Parnell
Dr. Al Smith
Dr. William Topping
Dr. Brendan Culleton
Dr. Brian Thomas
Dr. Carl P. Lipo
Mr. Charles Kinzie
Dr. Chris C.R. Allen
Dr. Chris Mercer
Mr. Clay Swindell
Dr. David Ferraro
Dr. Dale Batchelor
Dr. David H. Krinsley
Mr. David Kimbel
Dr. Eric K. Richman Some of the amazing Researchers who make up the Comet Research Group - Very encouraged to see you feature this paper, as I know they work so hard and justly deserve attention!
CONGRATULATIONS on your New Milestone, more encouraging signs... amidst some of the madness that is enveloping the world - even of Our Past and History itself.


Brazilian geologist here.
Love your channel guys!


I'm certainly not an expert but my understanding about 'shocked' quartz is that the intense pressure wave actually shocked the crystal structure of quartz to a high-pressure form; quartz occurs naturally in several crystal forms (technical names) depending on the T/P* situation of formation. Hope that makes sense.

* temperature/pressure


You guys will have 100k subscribers sooner than later. With great content and chemistry 100k cannot be avoided


You guys are the best. I can and do watch Standing with Stones over and over again. Great for both inspiration and relaxation. Best natural ASMR documentary. Maybe it’s the bagpipes! Please keep doing what you’re doing.


If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, usually it's a duck!!! Why the vitriolic abhorrent opposition to what the facts are indicating, all the ducks line up in a neat little row if you just will look at the obvious evidence, then it all makes sense, Occam's razor, the simplest explanation is usually the right one, that's what we go with in science, what is most likely, and a series of air-burst impacts with a few actually making contact with the ice sheets explains so much, the heat paradox of the former ice age, the massive influx of fresh melt-water, the plummeting of global temps due to the shutting down of the "great ocean conveyor system", shocked quartz and nano-diamonds, Carolina Bays impact proxies that fan out from Saginaw Bay, the Greenland impact crater which has almost exactly 13000 years of new unfractured ice and snow above it. The black mat found at countless sites all over the world dating right to 12, 800 ybp, the end of Clovis, and so many other cultures across the globe. Abrupt abandonment of site previously occupied for millennia, evidence of catastrophic floods worldwide, but especially in the American west. So many points that all line up to a massive series of impacts that likely occurred in 2 distinct periods, one around 12800 ypb and a second around 11600 ybp, but for 1200 years there may have been frequent impacts, but with the 2 meltwater pulses it may point to 2 significant impact events, the last of which was around 9600 BCE. So much evidence to dispute with no alternative explanations. It boggles the mind why someone would continue to be so adamant about disputing this "theory" I think at this point it should be accepted as actual fact and universally studied to find out the how, why, when, and wheres etc... so we can properly prepare to defend ourselves from the next one, why is this so hard for people to understand and accept???


Always so good to see your posts come up.


Once again 9:37 a good discussion, punctuated by your signature sense of humor. I really enjoy this channel in the midst of the kitchen middens of some individual’s flights of fancy. The mention of Abu Hureyra really caught my attention. Years ago I took an upper division course in Soil Science which I found unexpectedly fascinating. Before we got to the nitty gritty of soil composition, we spent the exploration of several chapters on the development of agriculture. One of the sites they focused on was Abu Hureyra and it’s proximity to the species of wild grains that became domesticated, although stands of wild ancestors i.e emmer and einkorn still exist in the area. The text book was quite old even when I took the course because the village site still existed on its ancient location. I still have that book. It was well regarded at the time and quite carefully written to avoid any leaps of the imagination. And as a result of the course I think anyone doing archeological digs would benefit from even a bit of soil science.


Might be the first YouTube video to have an era description. Very interesting thanks guys.


I’m contributing! I used to listen to your podcast and loved it.

I’m so glad I found you again


Love listening to your chats. I learned something new today.


My own take on the Younger Dryas climate change is a Comet (or loosely held assemblage of debris) was pulled apart in the earth’s gravity field with many pieces raining down across a global swath. The resulting platinum, iridium, micro spheres, micro diamond, deposits combined with global fire storms in the same strata marks the impact event that triggered the collapse of the AMOC water current that keeps Northern Europe warm and thereby greatly reduces ice that reflects solar radiation (a self perpetuating cold that continued until the AMOC was restored 1000 years later.


Prof Vance Haynes said that the megafauna were all extinguished in less than a century.
If true, that is not predation, as some claim, that is something sudden, like an impact.



In North America, 12, 900 years ago also marks a time of human cultural change—from very large Clovis blade technology to Folsom tools. The changeover is associated with a change in the size of hunted mammalian prey & final disappearance of megafauna other than bison. The much disdained Solutrean hypothesis, though, proposed very similar events as the recent claims you discuss about the YDIH—widespread forest fires and disappearance of the proposed Solutreans who are proposed to have reached North America across the ice-congested North Atlantic from the extended coastline of Pleistocene France/Spain after around 19, 000 ya. As long as we keep talking about the possibilities, we’ll keep extending the research to find out more about the wonders of the human race.


Check out Antonio Zamora's youtube videos on this. According to his work, more than one comet fragment hit the Laurentide icesheet around the Great Lakes in the USA. This impact led to the formation of the Carolina Bays and Nebraska Rainwater Basins (secondary ice bolder impacts) in the USA and wiped out the North American mega fauna.


an explanation for the missing impact site is this: the site projected by aligning carolina bays, put it on the canadian ice sheet. it would act like ERA - explosive reactive armor. the ice would not just melt but explode in a massive event. like hunga tunga, tambora, accepted water explosion events.
