tv review (JavaScript learning app for web developers)
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What I like about these smaller platforms is that they are usually built by developers rather than a team of people who may or may not know anything about the typical self-taught developer struggle.
This platform features interactive exercises and hands-on activities rather than videos.
Indeed, some people prefer videos, but for others this means more active, engaged learning. And while there are both major and niche platforms that feature interactive code environments, there are a few twists to LearnJavaScript that I thought are pretty cool.
One, you can highlight text and save it to a notes page right in the browser.
Two there are flashcards, which sound a bit dry but actually using them they were a really nice feature.
You can also get hints and with the paid version you get a solutions box for all challenges if you get stuck.
The first 40 lessons/challenges/flashcards are free. The remaining require you to upgrade to a pro account ($55 USD). This is a one-time charge (as opposed to a monthly/annual fee).
One thing to keep in mind is that you must complete the challenges in the order they are presented — no bouncing around and no skipping sections. This is a nice challenge for code newbies (with the interesting stuff like projects and cool concepts like Fetch API waiting for you as a reward) but if you just need guidance on one concept, be aware of this design.
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