Getting my shoes done in Marrakech, Morocco.

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Shoe shining is a popular thing to do in the streets of Marrakesh. For a couple of bucks, you'll get it done real good. Now, this video is taken after this man has done my left shoe already, but,.. believe me,... he is using an orange apple, just plugged from the street tree, to do the first initial round of polishing. Lots more rounds came later, but this is a good impression. Not to bad for about € 2,50.
Let them shine and help the poor!
Cirage de chaussures est une chose populaire à faire dans les rues de Marrakech. Pour quelques dollars, vous aurez il fait bien réel. Maintenant, cette vidéo a été prise après ce gars a déjà fait ma chaussure gauche, mais, croyez-moi ... .. il utilise une pomme d'orange, juste branché de l'arbre de la rue, de faire le premier tour initial de polissage. Lots plusieurs tours sont venus plus tard, mais cela est une bonne impression. pas mal pour environ 2,50 €.
Laissez-les briller et aider les pauvres!
يلمع حذاء هو شيء شعبية القيام به في شوارع مراكش. لبضعة باكز، فسوف تحصل عليه القيام به جيدة حقيقية.
الآن، وقد اتخذ هذا الفيديو بعد هذا الرجل قد فعلت حذائي الأيسر، ولكن .. صدقوني ... انه يستخدم التفاح البرتقال وتوصيله فقط من شجرة الشارع، للقيام بهذه الجولة الأولى الأولى من تلميع. وجاءت الكثير جولات أخرى في وقت لاحق، ولكن هذا هو انطباع جيد. لا سيئة لنحو 2،50 €. السماح لهم تألق ومساعدة الفقراء-
Limpiabotas es una actividad popular en las calles de Marrakech. Por un par de dólares, lo harás muy bien. Ahora, este video se toma después de que este hombre ya me haya hecho el zapato izquierdo, pero ... créanme ... está usando una manzana naranja, recién conectada del árbol de la calle, para hacer la primera ronda inicial de pulido. Muchas rondas más vinieron después, pero esta es una buena impresión. no está mal por unos € 2,50.
¡Que brillen y ayuden a los pobres!
In den Straßen von Marrakesch ist Schuhputzen sehr beliebt. Für ein paar Dollar wirst du es wirklich gut machen. Dieses Video wurde aufgenommen, nachdem dieser Mann bereits meinen linken Schuh gemacht hat, aber glauben Sie mir, er verwendet einen orangefarbenen Apfel, der gerade vom Straßenbaum gesteckt wurde, um die erste Polierrunde durchzuführen. Es kamen später noch viele Runden, aber das ist ein guter Eindruck. nicht schlecht für ca. € 2,50.
Lass sie leuchten und hilf den Armen!
Calçar sapatos é uma coisa popular a se fazer nas ruas de Marrakech. Por alguns dólares, você fará tudo muito bem. Agora, este vídeo é gravado depois que este homem já calçou meu sapato esquerdo, mas, acredite, ele está usando uma maçã laranja, apenas conectada à árvore da rua, para fazer a primeira rodada inicial de polimento. Mais rodadas vieram depois, mas é uma boa impressão. não ruim por cerca de € 2,50. Deixe-os brilhar e ajudar os pobres!
मारकेश की गलियों में जूते की चमक एक लोकप्रिय चीज है। हिरन के एक जोड़े के लिए, आप इसे वास्तविक अच्छा किया जाएगा। अब, यह वीडियो तब लिया गया है जब इस आदमी ने मेरा बायाँ जूता पहले से ही कर लिया है, लेकिन, .. मेरा विश्वास करो, ... वह एक नारंगी सेब का उपयोग कर रहा है, बस गली के पेड़ से प्लग किया गया है, पॉलिशिंग के पहले शुरुआती दौर को करने के लिए। बाद में बहुत सारे दौर आए, लेकिन यह एक अच्छा प्रभाव है। € 2,50 के लिए बुरा नहीं है।
उन्हें चमकने दो और गरीबों की मदद करो!
擦鞋是马拉喀什街头流行的事情。 只需花几美元,您就可以真正完成它。 现在,此视频是在这个人已经做完我的左脚鞋之后拍摄的,但是,..相信我,...他使用的是刚从路边树上插下的橙色苹果来进行第一轮抛光。 后来又进行了很多回合,但这是一个很好的印象。 不差约€2,50。
Il lustrascarpe è una cosa popolare da fare nelle strade di Marrakech. Per un paio di dollari, lo farai davvero bene. Ora, questo video è stato girato dopo che quest'uomo mi ha già fatto la scarpa sinistra, ma, credetemi,... sta usando una mela arancione, appena staccata dall'albero della strada, per fare il primo giro iniziale di lucidatura. Molti altri round sono arrivati ​​​​più tardi, ma questa è una buona impressione. non male per circa € 2,50. Che brillino e aiuti i poveri!
Το γυάλισμα παπουτσιών είναι ένα δημοφιλές πράγμα στους δρόμους του Μαρακές. Για μερικά δολάρια, θα τα καταφέρετε πολύ καλά. Τώρα, αυτό το βίντεο τραβήχτηκε αφού αυτός ο άντρας έχει κάνει ήδη το αριστερό μου παπούτσι, αλλά, πιστέψτε με,... χρησιμοποιεί ένα μήλο πορτοκαλιού, που μόλις έχει βουλώσει από το δέντρο του δρόμου, για να κάνει τον πρώτο γύρο γυαλίσματος. Αρκετοί άλλοι γύροι ήρθαν αργότερα, αλλά αυτή είναι μια καλή εντύπωση. καθόλου άσχημα για περίπου 2,50 €. Αφήστε τους να λάμψουν και να βοηθήσουν τους φτωχούς!
Ayakkabı boyama, Marakeş sokaklarında yapılacak popüler bir şeydir. Birkaç dolara, gerçekten iyi bir şekilde halledersin. Şimdi, bu video bu adam sol ayakkabımı zaten yaptıktan sonra çekildi, ama, inanın bana,... ilk cilalama turunu yapmak için sokak ağacından henüz takılmış portakallı bir elma kullanıyor. Daha sonra çok sayıda tur daha geldi, ancak bu iyi bir izlenim. yaklaşık 2,50 € için fena değil. Parlasınlar ve fakirlere yardım etsinler!
Рекомендации по теме

He looks like a very honest, hardworking man. I wish him the best.


A hardworking man doing an honourable job.... We should all take lessons from his work ethic


He is a great shoes shinning professional because not a cleaning only but he try to repair your shoes too. Good Job man!


This man went beyond expectations, pasting the detached parts and taking care of the frayed shoelace. Great professional doing his honest work. Respect. God bless.


this kind of man.. i respect the most..


What a humble and hardworking man. So much pride in his work.


It was a long time ago that I had my shoes shined by someone who does it for a living. I'd forgotten how great it feels having so much attention lavished on the shoes and feet (you can feel the action through the shoes). Very relaxing sensation. // I would have paid this man at least twice his asking price. He did a great job.


Laces out, sock protectors in place, clean up fray, minor shoe repair...Truly an Artisan and Master of his craft


When I see this, my heart goes down that life is not same for all, On the other hand feel good he is earning by working hard. My good wishes to him.


This man takes his time and focus and does a fantastic job at it.


i hope you tipped well, he looks tired and hungry


i wish you had recorded both shoes. this man takes pride in his work! thanks for posting this!!


Wish I was a millionaire so I could help people like him 🙏🙏


I can respect this he is doing a great service and so are you for stopping


I don't know but it is relaxing while I'm watching this video


I love him my brother soo nice may Allah bless him ameen. I am shoe repairer myself I feel sorry for him so basic but it's what he can do to make money. Good men I respect him


Esse coroa tem um semblante de uma pessoa muito humilde e muito sofrida nessa terra ...ele é um grande guerreiro😊👌🤗


I would pay him extra because he works his butt off an he loves what he does


Could have been one of the greatest asmr/ shoe shine vids but camera work is awful


Good to see a guy working hard, instead of panhandling, for his next bottle of wine, cheese and bread. Is he still around? I would like to see him do a complete job..
