Reverse climate change or “we are doomed” warns United Nations

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Countries must prioritise tackling climate change or the world faces catastrophe.

That warning comes from the head of the United Nations, António Guterres, who was speaking to the BBC in New York, before a major climate conference in Egypt.

Mr Guterres warned of a tendency to put climate change on the back burner and said that if we are not able to reverse the present trend “we will be doomed."

The conference, known as COP27, will bring together countries to discuss tackling climate change.

Mr Guterres said that current global problems such as inflation, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the high prices of energy and food were distracting governments.

He called on them to bring back climate change to the centre of international debate and warned that nations must not abandon key goals, including keeping global temperature rise to 1.5C.

Sophie Raworth presents BBC News at Ten reporting byJustin Rowlatt.

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This cannot be tackled, the worlds population cannot work together, everybody is out for themselves, if it doesn't affect us immediately we aren't concerned


Yeah, there's about a zero % chance of humanity overcoming this problem.


Brazil one is targeting MASS deforestation, the carbon released from that along with the lack of it being absorbed into the rain forests is a HUGE issue, no..they would rater target the little man instead


So basically, they’re meeting next month to pretend like they’re taking it seriously. Keep up the good work?


Well maybe UN should tell companies to let workers work remote instead of putting them thought hours of traffic just yo work in a cubicle and sit in front of a computer. And tell the companies to turn off the lights when not in use and at night. And ban cutting trees and destroying ecosystems. That would be a better start and more economical one for the time being.


Unfortunately when we live in a society that is built on the ideals of infinite growth in which people are judged on how much money and resources they have, to have less paints that person as being deficient and of little worth.


Nope we are not. The earth will remain and chugging along, long after we are gone.


The "civilised" world is like a schoolkid who leaves his assignment to the last minute.


They should send all the world leaders across the globe in private jets to discuss it. LOL


Reports like this are why we're failing. Be specific. Educate. Explain what happens to the human body with a combination of heat and high humidity. Give real numbers.

Explain what happens when high ocean temps kill of 80% of sea life and Japan doesn't get to eat anymore.

Right now, you can only learn about climate migration if you seeking news for people who already fear climate change.

Teach the public how political instability can combine with climate change to topple nations.

Screaming panic! Is not working.


How people think we have a hope of solving this is beyond me. CLEARLY there is nothing to be done. We must face the consequences and stop pretending we as individuals can do anything.


Those that filled their pockets with no regard for the future should fix what they broke. Simple as..


I am trying to cut my carbon print as much as I could. Meanwhile a single explosion of the Russian rocket on Ukrainians in other part of Europe cancels all my lifetime efforts.


No matter what humans do, nature goes through its cycles and so does the sun as it goes through its solar minimum and max. Right now we are in a solar minimum and the sun is creating wild weather events. But as always people blame each other for things they have no control over. Volcanoes, the moon, the sun and even the earths natural tilt all affect the climate and we have no control over it.


I don’t believe a word of it. The planet always finds a way to survive.


What does China think about climate change?


i believe one of the reasons for inaction in climate change is because changes are not sudden but rather took years to take effect and will take many years to take effect if we go the other way around. we live in a society that is instantly gratified so people's brains don't see the point in things that are many years away


Don’t believe the hype boys and girls.
This is a power grab


If this is true why are we now moving to electric using many specifically made parts from scares metals that take so much time and effort to mine and much longer to degenerate or get rid of
Electric vehicles cause an awful lot more carbon footprint in there making and you cannot safely dispose of all those millions and millions of batteries.
Ask yourselves how many times they get it completely wrong?


It has always been too late...
From day one of our obsession with oil and coal too now it has always been too as much as we hate change as humans.. the earth sees change as common place...
We need not worry too much if this planet's long history remains as it has been .
Life will prevail in the long run just as it has for billions of years before us..and likely will for billions of years beyond us...
