Endless Alleluia (Official Lyric Video)

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Written by Cory Asbury, Ran Jackson, Ricky Jackson, and Brian Johnson

Verse 1

In the morning when I rise to meet You
In the morning when I lift my eyes
You're the only One I wanna cling to
You're the first thought on my mind


Let our voices rise
All creation cries
Singing out an endless alleluia
From this moment on
Join with Heaven’s song
Singing out an endless alleluia

Verse 2

In the moments where You go unnoticed
In the ordinary day to day
Countless miracles of life around us
Point like arrows to Your name


Only a moment to live this life
Like shooting stars burning up the night
Till Heaven’s opened and we arrive
In Your presence Lord
In Your presence

Verse 3

In the evening when I lay my head down
In the evening when I close my eyes
You're still the only One I wanna cling to
You're the last thought on my mind


There’s nothing better
There’s nothing better
There’s nothing better
Than this right now
Рекомендации по теме

I was paralyzed in bed last year and I heard Jesus say out loud to me - If you believe in me get up and walk💜🕊💜 I got up and not only walked but went for a walk outside. Praise GOD IS ALWAYS WORKING!!!! ✌💜🕊🙏


We got married to this song. I walked down the aisle, and praised the Lord at the altar with my husband. It was the most beautiful thing, as we went into our marriage with Christ as the center. This song is so special to me, but even more special to be able to worship Him together with our families that day💗


Cory, you really understood something about the character of God. This song is soothing, feels like a love letter. Wasn't prepared to cry my eyes out.


"In the evening when I lay my head down
In the evening when I close my eyes
You're still the only One I wanna cling to
You're the last thought on my mind"


I am a very strong man, but the course after time 3:10 breaks me down to tears. There is a real lack of real and genuine worship songs that deliver the message plain and simple. Christ has saved my life countless times, the only real hope in this world to bring people out of misery, sin, and ultimately death. Beautiful song man, really got me in the feels.


I'm obsessed with this song. I go to a worship thing every week for college students, and a band sings this song every now and then. And for the longest time, I searched all over for this song, and now it's finally here!!!


I am nothing without you Jesus! Thank you for your endless grace!


This song, God has used it to comfort my soul so so beautifully.
I lost a brother, who is now in heaven, 3 weeks ago, and I've experienced this sense of wholesome rest and relaxing comfort in God's arms that has been astounding.
At first I thought maybe I was numb or in denial, but every passing day I see that I'm not. I know my brother is gone and I won't see him this side of eternity, but I am not in pain, I'm able to laugh and sing and joke with my friends.
Before my brother passed on, we both were very close; and we spent the first quarter of 2021 together in hospital while I cared for him. Because of this my friends and family were very worried that I would lose it and be a basket case when he passed on. Quite the contrary. Jesus has comforted me with this song and many others, and has told me He is in charge of how much length of time we spend here, and in heaven. In either realm, He reigns supreme, and He loves us tremendously. That love, His reality, it carries us daily.
I'm just so grateful to God for the different blessings He uses to hold us in perfect peace as He keeps our minds stayed on Him.


Cory really outdid himself in this one. Not only is the simple message there that we praise God in an endless alleluia, but there is profound symbolism in how he chooses to open and close this song. From life's first in the "morning, " to our final moments in the "evening;" our life's beginning to end, an endless alleluia. Praise be to Him, you have captured the holy spirit well in this one, brother.


This song makes me cry. I never felt something like what I feel tonight. I can't explain.


I've been crying out in my prayer time for soul-stirring songs again. Thank you Jesus.


Everyone who hears this song is blessed with The presence of God right off the bat. Blessings everyone.


This song is so perfect, when you get lost in the worship of God and can't control the tears and all you want is to be closer to Jesus, God Bless you all who is worshiping Our God right now and forever..


when i listen to this song i imagine how king david stand up in the morning with all the luxury around him but still have songs like this on his lips. its like a psalm song. / this song is awesom!! loved it from the first second! 😍 it brings me to tears😭 just imagine that we all one day will sing an endless hallelujah in the present of god♥


Everyone reading this, I need your attention. I need to say this. I know everyone here is struggling with something, whether it be fear, anxiety, depression, doubts, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, what give you. I'm here to tell you lay it all at the feet of Jesus Christ, our Savior, our divine healer, our ever present help in the time of need. He is waiting for you with open arms to take you in. But you must first accept him as your Lord and Savior. You must seek Him with your spirit, and you will undoubtedly find Him, and HE goes to YOU, and reaches out to you, so that you do not have to do more than just take His hand. He loves you, and wants you more than anything.


About 2, almost 3 months ago, I got out of a car wreck and walked away without a scratch when I should have died in it. I was driving a car that I had since April 2019. It was a 2018 Hyundai elantra. I had jammed a 1 litre Dr pepper bottle into my small cup holder before leaving. The thing ended up popping out because of the pressure, and when I turned to see what made the noise, I looked back and had only a fraction of a second to brake before hitting a pickup truck that I didn't see stopping, ready to turn left. I tried to stop and turn to the right, but I was going the speed limit in a 50 mph zone. I scream "JESUS, HELP!" My car hit with its bumper on the driver side on the trucks bumper. Their trailer hitch went straight through my left headlight. Airbags deployed but my head never hit them, everything kind of goes crazy. Thats when I heard God's voice telling me, "I still have plans for you here." I couldn't open my door, but my seatbelt was able to come loose. Not enough space to get to the other door, so I grabbed a recue hammer from my center console and shattered my window and pulled myself out. The other guy had driven his truck out of the way of traffic, undamaged save for a medium sized dent in his rear bumper. The other guy told me he would help me get the driver out of the vehicle and was surprised when I said I was the driver. I literally had not a single scratch on me. Thats when I looked at my car from the outside for the first time. The front was pushed in toward the driver side, and basically would have killed the driver almost on impact. The hood was literally 5 inches from going through the windshield and decapitating me. We called 9-1-1 and the police and later an ambulance show up, I get checked out and the paramedics said there was no damage to my body, and no head injuries. Not even broken ribs from the seatbelt. I realized how small the seatbelt was and I remembered feeling something really thick going across my chest, preventing me from going forward. I believe it to be Gods arm that saved me. They said it was luck, I said "no, it's a *miracle."* and explained my walk with Christ, shared my testimony with them, and explained the power of simply asking God into any situation in your life, as I did about 45 minutes before I started talking with them. I even prayed for one of them, and I prayed for the police officer as well. I felt extremely calm in one of the most chaotic incidents in my life. To this day I still feel no effects of what should have certainly been the cause of my death, and it really would have been the end of my life if it were not for God stepping in. And I knew that God would provide me with a way to get around. And that came to reality when about 3 weeks ago, I was looking for a car to buy, and I found a person who was selling their car for about $10, 000, which was already cheap as it was, but I did not have the money to pay for it yet. I still went over to look at it and be sure it was in good condition and not a fake listing on the website I found it on. I asked the owner questions about it, and about the history of it, things like that. But then they asked me if I was in a car wreck on the exact date it was on and I said yes. That was when I saw in the spirit that they were also a Christian. I told them God revealed to me they were a Christian. They said they knew it was me that God told them about and that if I went to see the vehicle, they were to give it to me for free. *Which they did!* We prayed together and I thanked them and thanked God for his provisions, and now I am driving a year old Mazda CX-5 that god provided to me for free! God has been good to me, and has certainly never let me down.


I'm trying to repent from my past life, please pray for me so I can succeed in my journey to heaven


A French translation for those interested:

Quand au matin, je m’éveille_et te vois
Quand au matin, je lè-ve les yeux
C'est à toi seul que mon coeur s'atta-che
C'est à toi que je pense_en premier

Que nos voix s'élèvent
Avec l’univers
Chantons un éternel alléluia
Depuis cet instant
Joignons-nous aux anges
Chantons un éternel alléluia

Quand parfois je ne sens plus ta présence
Dans mes habitu-des quotidiennes
Tes mira-cles innombra-bles révèlent
Que ton Nom seul est élevé

Que nos voix s'élèvent
Avec l'univers
Chantons un éternel alléluia
Depuis cet instant
Joignons-nous aux anges
Chantons un éternel alléluia

Le bref instant de cet-te vie
Éclai-re la nuit comme_une_étoile
Le ciel s’ouvrira et nous serons
Dans ta présence, Dieu
Dans ta présence...

Que nos voix s'élèvent
Avec l'univers
Chantons un éternel alléluia
Depuis cet instant
Joignons-nous aux anges
Chantons un éternel alléluia

Oh, rien n'est meilleur
Non, rien n'est meilleur
Non, rien n'est meilleur
Que ta présence (ou Que cet instant)
Oh, rien n'est meilleur
Non, rien n'est meilleur
Non, rien n'est meilleur
Que ta présence (ou Que cet instant)

Quand vient le soir et que je me cou-che
Quand enfin je vais fermer les yeux
C'est encore_à toi que je m'atta-che
Vers toi va ma derniè-re pensée


At 3:54, you can hear, in his voice, Cory starts to break down and cry. It’s so hard to find songs that are this powerful and so full of emotion. Thank you for this song. I will have it on repeat now.


This is sincerely the best version of such a powerful message of the GLORY OF GOD!
May our prayer be “I am your servant; give me discernment that I may understand your statutes” (Psalm 119:125).
