CRUD Operation using JPA and Spring Boot 3 | CREATE | READ | UPDATE | DELETE | In one video | MySQL

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In this video tutorial, we are building a simple Spring Boot Rest API project that manages a collection of operations with the basic feature: list, insert, update, delete (CURD operations - Create, Update, Read and Delete).
- Add a User
- Update a User
- Delete a User
- Retrieve a User
- List of all User

This is a very simple project using Spring Boot, Spring JPA, and MySQL.
Spring JPA example
Spring Boot example program
What is Spring Boot
what is Spring JPA
what is the CRUD repository
Spring boot + spring JPA + MySQL
MySQL Database
Rest API project using spring boot
This is the Rest API project with spring boot
Spring boot Rest API
A Simple and easy project using spring boot

#Springboot #MySQL #RestAPI
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Thanks a lot
supporting for more tutorials on java(hibernate, spring, spirngboot, microservices, )Mysql, JSP,


Nice video, one note though. Field Injection is not recommended, instead, try to use Constructor Injection to autowire beans. Keep it up!


Nice, please give us the source code as a zip file
