Brightline train going 145 mph on radar through south florida. Extremely dangerous!!!!

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1. That is nowhere near speeds of 145 mph. If you want to see what such speeds look like, look up videos of Acela trains doing near or over that kind of speed. That has to be, at best, around 80 or 90.

2. Even if a train was going that speed how can you label it as dangerous when trains are literally the safer mode of transportation compared to driving a car? I can understand thinking that way when all you hear about down in Florida is how brightline trains have collided with pedestrians/autos, but the biggest takeaway is that it isn’t the train’s fault, people have trespassed and as a result have gotten injured or killed from collision. Very misleading title


What is so dangerous about a train going fast in it's OWN TRACK?


Yeah, poster is making things up. Goes 79-90 on east coast and 125 from Cocoa Beach to Orlando in isolated corridor with no crossings.


GET A LIFE!! That train is going ~70mph, the really fast speeds are in rural parts.


Not really dangerous, not really 145.


If anyone is interested in putting Brightline (soon to possibly be Virgin trains per the recent lawsuit decision) out of business here is what you do:
Band together and file individual boilerplate (ready to go) noise "nuisance" suits in local court. These cases will likely lose, however that is not the intent. The intent is to do the same thing that is being done to Trump right now. Drain their resources and money and put them out of business. Noise abated.
