Getting your YouTube Channel Monetized in Nigeria | Struggles Faced by Nigerians |Nigerian YouTuber

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Getting your channel Monetize as a Nigerian + Starting a YouTube Channel in Nigeria

Requirements for monetization;
500 a 1000 Legit subscriptions
4,000 Watch Hours / 240,000 minutes Watch Hours

Some of the struggles faced by Nigerian in getting their YouTube Channel Monetized;

1) GettyAudience to watch your video
2) Unstable Power Supply
3) Data Subscription Consumption
4) Life Happens
5) Time Factor - YouTube requires time, it requires research, planning, etc.
7) Background you record your Videos

Part 2 coming soon 🤍

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Small YouTuber | Nigerian YouTuber | Starting a YouTube Channel | Starting a YouTube Channel in Nigeria | YouTuber | YouTube Channel | YouTube Monetization | settings | road to 5k (5,000) Subscribers | Small YouTube channels | Monetization Process | YouTube Monetization Process
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Saying it as it is!...
You just won a subscriber.


I can really relate with everything 😂
Especially the background and life happens.
I have left my channel balm and beam for months now. Everytime I come on YouTube I always remember my own little baby (my channel) I want to post as much I love to, but unfortunately I have so many challenges.


Please, how can i get across to you.I am having an issue with my Channel.I have more than 3, 000 Subscribers, more than 4000 watch hours.
