One of the Problems in this City (Philly) Part #2: Is Shaykh Worship Real? w/ Abu Saajid

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Is Shaykh Worship Real? w/ Abu Saajid
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Like with Shaikh Rab'ee, he visited the Soofees while in Sudan with Ahlus Sunnah. He called them to Tawheed, was even lead in Salah by the Sufi Imam, the Shaikh also spent time(years) with the Ikhawani Muslimoon and Abul Hasan Al-Ma'rabee calling them to the manhaj of the salafus saalih, and a handful of Philly students knew this information but warned against Tahir Ibn Wyatt/Mufti/Abu Sajid/Ali Davis etc... for his/their "sitting/mixing" with those who they perceive to be ahlu bidah without even approaching Tahir et. al.(their all approachable and in the city-Philly) to see what proofs from Allah and his Messenger he's/they are relying on. They placed a bet(figuratively) and played on the ignorance of the common Muslims knowing full well that Shaik Ra'bee, other scholars and even back to Ali and Ibn Abbas have already set this precedent based off proofs.


The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Hasten to do good deeds before six signs: foolish leaders, proliferation of enforcement, bribery in judgment, bloodshed is taken lightly, family ties are severed, and a generation are brought up treating the Quran as musical instruments; they put forth one of them to sing for them, though he is the least of them in understanding.”

Source: al-Mu’jam al-Kabīr 60

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani


The people must beware of incorrect statements.
