WHAT is Data Protection? 4 (Simple) Tips to Get Your Company GDPR Compliant

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What is GDPR and how will it affect your business?

0:10 If you guys aren't familiar with this, GDPR came out and what it is is for the whole European Union that's all about data rights and privacy to protect individuals like you. Now here's the thing, if you don't comply with GDPR laws and you're doing business within the European Union, you can get fined millions of dollars.

0:30 It depends on what the, what rule you've broken, and based on that, the penalty is going to change. But it's well into the millions, sometimes seven million, 10 million, 20 million, the fees are ridiculous. So you want to make sure that you're complying with GDPR rules.

1:10 What is GDPR Tip #1
If you're collecting emails, which most websites are, whether it's the checkout page or whether it's an e-book or an opt-in, you can't just go and email these people promotional offers, even though they just bought one product from you. Because people are checking out and buying one product, it doesn't mean that they're opting in to get emails from you continually. Or on the flip side, if someone's opting in for an e-book, it doesn't mean that they're opting in also for your newsletter.

2:20 What is GDPR Tip #2
There's also cookie-related issues, and this is the second thing for you guys to follow. If someone's coming to your website within the EU, have a little notice at the bottom of your site, and you can talk to a lawyer to figure out the right text, something around, this site uses cookies to provide a better experience. They can either click the Accept button, or the Deny button, if you don't want to use the Deny button, you could have a button that says Learn More, and that takes them to the privacy policy.

2:45 What is GDPR Tip #3
The third tip I have for you is, in your privacy policy, let people know what tracking solutions and third-party services that you're using. Let them know how long the cookies will last if you're using an email solution. Or if you're using analytics like Google Analytics, let them know when they can opt out. Let them know how they can delete their data, because that way if the user doesn't want to be tracked, they can opt out.

3:30 What is GDPR Tip #4
Make it very clear what your data policies are so that when someone wants their information deleted, they can read exactly how you will go about deleting their information.

4:40 What is GDPR BONUS Tip
Now, if you want a bonus tip, I would check out Privacy Shield. If you're in the US, it's a program that helps US companies be more GDPR-compliant. Again, I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know all the technical details for it, but I know my lawyer has made me go and apply for it and go through all the procedures. It just ensures that you're doing what's best for the users.

5:30 It's best to take the extreme measure now of being GDPR-compliant, not just for the EU, but pretty much the whole world. Follow these tips; hopefully, you'll do well, you should maintain the same amount of sales. If you have questions about GDPR, feel free to leave a comment, let me know, I'll respond, I'll do my best. Again, I'm not a lawyer so you may want to verify the facts again with a lawyer, but thank you for watching. Subscribe, like, and share the video if you enjoyed it.
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People don't need to panic too much about this. You should still notify people about cookies etc on your website, but the truth is that large companies can be fined, whereas the small ones will be educated about what they're doing wrong.

If you're an individual or a small business then you won't be fined millions if it's your first offence. They want to help small businesses to understand what they're doing wrong, but the large ones should know which is why they'll be fined huge amounts.


Neil, what about this in affiliate marketing


sir i want to create a blog in order to display my books using google blogger.Therefore do i need to make it gdpr compliant? and if its possible could you make one video [ a bit lengthy one] showing which are the types of blogs or websites that do not require to be gdpr compliant?please answer me sir


Hai Neil. Huge Fan. I am from India. I am new to this blogging world and few days back I started a blog to share my stories and came across this "privacy policy is mandatory" thing on websites and since then I have been scared shitless. I am an individual. I don't do business. I just want to have a blog with advertising. No email collection. Nothing. Just visit and leave kinda blog. Now, I don't know whether I should include privacy policy and I have no idea what information wordpress collects by default and there are so many laws which normal people don't know anything about. So, what's the solution. Should I run the blog ? If yes, what about the privacy policy?

Thanks Neil.


P.S. I love Neil Patel, I just don't like GDPR. It's ruining the Internet


Hey Neil sir, I missed you for 10 days. Mmmm...sad. Haven’t you missed my comments sir..? Continuing my streak video 251. Good info sir 🙏🏻❤️ thank you sir.


Neil Why You are Not Uploading Blog Post In Your Website


VID IQ says your SEO score is only 55/100. Is VID IQ wrong here or is your video not fully opzimized?


GDPR is the start of personal data privacy. Look after the customers, staff and suppliers data and with the ground rules in place it will help you go far?


Thanks Neil, yes did this with my clients a couple weeks ago.


If you just mention on the sign up page that you'll also send out email, instead of having a tick box, will that be enough?


Hey Neil,
Just wanted to clarify a few things further. I've been researching the GDPR Laws heavily, as I have several clients that have to comply by it (both inside and outside of the EU).
1) You ARE allowed to e-mail your clients promotional offers (eg. market to them) IF they bought any product from you, eg: they're your clients and NOT prospects.
However, you may NOT send them promotional / marketing E-Mails for any type of Lead Magnet. In fact, you may not even use Lead Magnets in the usual way. You either have to have a separate checkbox (that MUST be unchecked) to be allowed to send them further e-mails or you must change the wording around on your offer. (Instead of writing: Get this free ebook (oh and, by getting this you also accept our Newsletter) You now need to write: Get our Newsletter, and by signing up you get this free eBook as a thank you.) It's a detail, but one that a German Lawyer specifically pointed out to us. (He recommends to have a 2nd option for the newsletter. If unchecked you just get the free report/ebook/whaever)

2) The cookie notice is a "best practice" and is NOT mandatory whatsoever (it will be in the future, but as of right now it's "only" recommended). It has nothing to do with the GDPR.

3) Lose the Facebook Pixel. This is highly illegal in terms of GPDR, since it trackes your visitors data without prior concent. ESPECIALLY if your main market is EU or you are based in the EU. This will get you in trouble!

4) You absolutely need a privacy policy including website owner and contact information (no PO box), that's linked on all your pages.

As long as you've got a basic privacy policy (with contact information) as well as you don't use the FB pixel you're on the safe side.
It's not the EU government that you should be afraid of, but EU-"law firms" that make money by sending out cease-and-desist orders with fines of several thousand €.


About damn time Neil! Most Internet Marketers aren’t savvy to the legalities involved in this business. More videos like this please, we know your aren’t a lawyer and that’s fine. But this type of content at least guides us in the right direction about certain things. Who wants to make a million bucks and then lose it all a short time later because of the “legal gibberish” that most of us ignore in the early going. Thanks!


Very helpful, Neil! I tried to adapt a privacy policy through Termly but I have to pay for an addition of a ToS. Do you think I can just go with a privacy policy alone, without the ToS? Or is the ToS required? Termly charges $10 monthly, ouch!


Hey neil how can i get my website gdpr compliant and hiw to implement these tips... Is there any website that can get me that cookies warning and i cannot add tick boxes using hello bar free version please help me


how will a european authority fine you when you serve your customers from the us or any other none european country where GDPR crap is not a law? All europe is doing is hurting its own economy with that...


Hey Neil,

Quick question:

How I can measure my website traffic in correct way if people do not click on "I Agree" button for cookies GDPR notification?


Hello Neil!!

It's good that your old video is helping me out now.😁 Would like to know more as how can an Indian based website can be GDPR Compliant.

Is any institute in India like privacy shield?

Your reply would be helpful.

Thanks have a wonderful life. Cheers!


Hey Neil! Great tips and advice, we must be clear about data protection policies! TNX!


Yo soy de Peru, tengo algunas visitas de Europa, no recojo emails, solo es una web de recetas, debo colocar el aviso de la gdpr?? en mi pais ningun abogado sabe ese tema ... :(
