Millie Bobby Brown brings cast to wedding

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I don't understand how someone can get upset over an individual that they've never met getting married.


I wish Millie and fiance all the best!! She’s a good kid and Bon Jovi Jr has great parents. They will live happily everafter.


He also forgot to mention that both Millie and Jakes parents married young (under 25) and they're still together so they've had good role models.

Also people who do the "thanks for the likes" thing, you literally suck.


I was 22 and my wife was 20 when we got married. Our next anniversary will be our 22nd.


Her Husband's parents have been married for 32yrs. Now.
I think she picked a good man❤


I think her relationship with Matt Modine is so cute. It seems like she has a lot of great father figures in her life.


I got married at an older age, and I still support her decision. She keeps her relationship somewhat private (not completely because she is a major celebrity and his dad is VERY famous) and seems genuinely happy with him.
I think if this is what they are determined to do and I don’t see their parents objecting, (not that it matters but it’s nice to have their support) then good for them.
I hope they have a happy life together ❤


I was 19 when I got engaged and had just turned 20 when we got married. It was the best decision I’ve ever made. We’ve grown up together. We have been married over 20 years and have 3 children and are working on having #4. My hubs is my best friend and I’ve never felt like I missed out on anything getting married young. I pray she has an amazing marriage!


I married with 19 and married for over 20 years now!! Please don’t always believe the stats!! There are some lows and highs in a marriage but that’s how it makes your marriage stronger! If you have found the love of your life and want to marry just do it !!


She’s the same age as me and I’ve never even kissed a boy, i honestly feel like I have no hope 😭😭😭


Mathew modine is actually also her god father so that is also a reason for him to officiate the wedding


Bro is OBSESSED with Millie Bobby Brown.


One of my closest friends met her husband in the 9th grade. They stayed together through high school then college & got married when they were both 21 yrs old. They are now in their late 50's, have 3 grown kids, & are still together. I was married at 20 also... My 19 yr old daughter has been dating the same guy since they met in 8th grade. Age doesn't mean a thing, it is the individual person & their emotional maturity that matters. I know some teens who are more wise & mature than people I went to school with who are pushing 60!
It is no one's business when Millie & Jake decide to start their lives together as a married couple. I'm sure all these naysayers would feel a lot differently if the world were telling THEM when & how to live their private lives just like they are doing to her. You don't live with them, or pay their bills, they are not your kids or even related to you, nor are they your personal friends. So shut your mouth, leave them alone, & let them make their own decisions. It is not your place to say anything about someone else's relationship. Just focus on your own life & family!


There’s something very beautiful about this. Modine is a very experienced actor and I have the feeling he really helped her not just with acting, but the pressures of fame.


Mathew modine is fricking a LEGEND!!
Most people don’t know how huge he was…..
I’d want him to officiate my wedding!!
& who the F has the right to tell someone how to get married!!!

Freedom isn’t just a word….jerkies


I got married at 18. We've been married now for 12 years. Seriously the best decision I've ever made. It takes trust, intentionality, and hard work to make a marraige succeed. Not an age.


I'm glad she's getting married. I saw my grand parents on both sides happy in their last few years after being married for more than 60 years


She’s young, smart, talented, beautiful, and extremely successful, and now she’s getting married to someone she loves. Anyone who hates on her is just jealous and insecure and you can’t change my mind.


Millie Bobby Brown is in fact bringing cast to wedding


I was 19, almost 20 when I got married and my hubby had just turned 23. Five kids later, and we are celebrating 25 years in a week and a half. I know several other older and Gen X age couples who married young and are still together. It’s not as unusual as people would have you believe.
