How to Spot a German I 10 tips I USA vs Germany

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If you've ever wondered how to spot a German, I'm sure this video can be very useful for you 😊 And if YOU are German, I can assure you that I'll talk about some things that you never thought were so German. Some tips might also help you to stay a little more under the radar on your next visit to the US 😉 I’m looking forward to your stories and examples in the comments!

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❤❤❤*Quick Jump to Your Favorite Part*❤❤❤
00:00 – Intro
01:33 – #1 German clothing style
02:49 – #2 Using knife and fork
04:09 – #3 Counting on your hands
04:46 – #4 Efficiency is your middle name
06:00 – #5 Wanderlust
07:54 – #6 German invasion
09:19 – #7 The German eyebrow
09:46 – #8 Toilets vs restrooms
10:41 – #9 Germans entering a waiting room
11:59 – #10 How Germans cross a street

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All of the things I am talking about are of course based on my personal experiences. While I am talking in general about German and American people, I know that not all Germans or Americans fit into all of these generalizations. I would love to hear your thoughts! So drop me a comment below! :-)

❤❤❤*ABOUT US*❤❤❤
We are a family of four who moved from Cologne, Germany to Boston, Massachusetts in July of 2021.

In my videos, I talk about our experiences as a family living abroad, cultural differences, things we like and dislike about living here, funny stories and our everyday life in the USA. And it all comes with a flavour of German directness ;-).

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How do you spot a German? I’m looking forward to your stories and examples in the comments!


Very good examples ! 🙂 About the waiting room, if I was there I would assume you were speaking to somebody you already knew. If you sat down next to me and said " hello how are you?" I would recognize that you were making small talk, which even as an American I must admit I'm not always in the mood for. ( I do have some German DNA 🙂 ) A reverse story, although not so funny but true is that on 9/11 my mother and her husband were in Berlin- Several times Germans picked them out as Americans and asked them " You are American aren't you? Have you heard about what happened in New York?"


🤣🤣Great compilation of the most horrendous stereotypes of us Germans🤣🤣
Though I have to say you missed out on two important ones here. The first one would be an addition to the matching windbreakers: you might specify that in 90% of all cases those windbreakers have to be "Jack Wolfskin". And the second one would be the infamous German summer footwear: white socks and open sandals.
BUT how *rude* to call us all rude... ehm, ok, now I can see it..😉😁💛💛


The other day I had a shocking experience here in Germany. Maybe, I have lived here in Germany too long now. 😂 I was at the dentist’s office and needed to make an appointment for my son. I asked the receptionist to write it down so could later enter it into my planner. This receptionist was new and quite young. She said of course and went on to explain that she also likes having it written on a card because one time she showed up three days early for a doctor’s appointment. She had no idea how that happened. Not one day, but three days early. She felt terrible. It was awkward. She had to move other appointments around. Blah, blah, blah. I only thought ugh, please stop talking to me and telling me your entire life story. As I was leaving, she wished me a great day, weekend, enjoy the sun….. The last time I was in the US, I also noticed how chatty everyone was but because I was on vacation, it fit well. Tja, I’ve become too German. But I’m still the chattiest person in my neighborhood.


IN Berlin there are three ways to spot Americans.
In summer it is very easy:
White socks with sneakers.
Second is, most people standing in the long lines of the view grocery stores that are open on a Sunday are from the American continent.
And third is, when someone fresh from the boat is walking very slowly into your bike wondering what is this thing doing on the road and why does this cyclist think he has the right of way ?


I am right handed, so using a fork in my left hand is extremely awkward. Maybe if I had started that as a young child, it wouldn’t be so difficult.


I visited my cousins, 2nd-3rd cousins, in Koblenz, I asked how easy it was to recognize an American… my cousins said, “It’s very evident to spot an American”. This made me a bit sad, I wanted to fit in a little better/easier.


Germans maybe don't do chit chat - but they do get pissed if you do not say "good morning" before you say anything else


We change hands with our fork because it's more civilized than stabbing at your food as if it might run away.


You walked into a waiting room and started staying 'hello how are you?' to everybody? Did I hear that right? That's the most awkward thing I have ever heard, defying all boundaries of human normalcy.😂 That's psycho level stuff🔪


it seems very barbaric to move your left hand to your mouth if you are right handed. It does not look civilized


Ich habe wirklich nasse Augen vor Lachen bekommen.👍Ich liebe deinen Humor und wie du ihn in deinen Videos rüber bringst.So kannst du auch sehr gut ernste Themen immer etwas auflockern!Mach bitte weiter so.Liebe Grüße, Kelsea
