Amazing Mate in 2 Moves Puzzle From 156 Years Old!

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Usually when I come up with something it is wrong, so I would appreciate any correction with this. First move, white pawn takes knight, and becomes a queen, which checks the black king. The king can't move so the black bishop blocks, is taken and that is checkmate. Maybe I missed something, as I often do, as I kind of quickly went through the video.


This was a really good puzzle. I kicked myself for not spotting it.


At first I looked at all the queen checks, but none of them set up a checkmate on the move after that. Then I looked at the different ways to sacrifice my queen, but that's also useless. Then I looked at different king moves, and Kc6 was actually promising because it blocks the d7 escape square, but black can go Rh6 pinning my queen to my king, disallowing checkmate. Then I looked at different ways to promote my pawn, and promoting it to a queen, a rook or a bishop is useless, because black just blocks my attempts to win with Bd8.
Then I actually realized that black doesn't have a lot of moves, so this could be a zugswang-type puzzle. If black moves the rook anywhere they either stop defending the back rank or block the f8 escape square for the king. The pawns and knight can't be moved, and moving the bishop either blocks the d8 escape square for the king or stops defending the back rank, allowing the queen to checkmate with Qc8#.
Turns out I actually had a good idea with Kc6, but I can instead go b8=N, which sets up a zugswang where no matter what black does, they're either getting back rank mated or mated on f7/d7.
1. b8=N, Bxb8 2. Qc8#
2. b8=N, Bd8 2. Qf7#
3. b8=N, Rf8 2. Qd7#
4. b8=N, 2. Qxg8#/Qg8#.
Took me 10 minutes to solve that. (And I also didn't look at the king moves after b8=N.)


The tactic I have seen a lot is move defender away. This case Bishop is defender.
So by promoting pawn, it force bishop away from defending position.


If it's the white's move, all the white has to do is move the queen two spaces diagonally to the light space behind the black bishop and that's mate.


Maybe someone already asked this, but why not pawn to a8, bishop to d8, bishop to c6?
