'UFO'/UAP over Evvia, Greece / ΑΤΙΑ? πάνω από το Λευκάντι (Εύβοια)

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This is an upgraded version of an identical past clip.
While flying at approximately 250 m (820 ft) above the coastal town of Lefkandi in Evvia (Euboea) island, my drone's camera recorded a white, wingless, fast-moving, elongated/lozenge-shaped object; this is seen traversing the screen from to the right of top-centre in a 'southeasterly' direction, and in an absolutely straight line, where the top of the screen is 'north'.
Somewhat reminiscent of the 'tic tac' form.
I have no idea what the object is: it seems far too fast for a bird and probably for a drone too, even though the distance to the object and its size are unknown to me; however I have a hunch the object is about a third to one half of the way between my drone and the ground.
Please let me know what you think about the object, which I call a 'UFO' in its literal sense (as in UAP), as it both unidentified and, most probably, unidentifiable.
While flying at approximately 250 m (820 ft) above the coastal town of Lefkandi in Evvia (Euboea) island, my drone's camera recorded a white, wingless, fast-moving, elongated/lozenge-shaped object; this is seen traversing the screen from to the right of top-centre in a 'southeasterly' direction, and in an absolutely straight line, where the top of the screen is 'north'.
Somewhat reminiscent of the 'tic tac' form.
I have no idea what the object is: it seems far too fast for a bird and probably for a drone too, even though the distance to the object and its size are unknown to me; however I have a hunch the object is about a third to one half of the way between my drone and the ground.
Please let me know what you think about the object, which I call a 'UFO' in its literal sense (as in UAP), as it both unidentified and, most probably, unidentifiable.
'UFO'/UAP over Evvia, Greece / ΑΤΙΑ? πάνω από το Λευκάντι (Εύβοια)...
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