Setup Dreamweaver with Sass for Boostrap 4

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Want to use Sass and Bootstrap, but Adobe Dreamweaver is your weapon of choice for web building? This short tutorial will show how to get setup.

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First of all, thank you so much. This is of such a great help ! I use it all the time now.
There's just a little thing that got me troubled for a second : in the video you name the custom files with underscores in the middle of the name, and them import them with hyphens in the bootstrap-4.3.1.scss file. I believe your custom files should be written with an underscore at the front (as you did) but with an hyphen inside (_custom-variables.scss)...


Is it also possible to get proposals about the variables? Example: If you write your css, Dreamweaver already suggests "color" when i type in the letters "col" and so on... Something like that for the previously defined variables would be a dream. Is that possible somehow?
