Climate Emergency Denial Evil

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On track to an unlivable climate, with fossil fuel CO2 emissions at record high, the denial campaign has morphed into climate emergency denial, to keep the fossil industry burning carbon, and burning up the planet.
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Peter, I certainly admire your tenacity. I'm over 80yo and you'd think people would pay attention. I try to point out what is going on and just get looked at like I was an idiot, or called stupid, or some sort of conspiracy theorist. I live in the US but have lived 6 years in Europe and study info from all over the world. I haven't found anyone that even knows about what happened in Pakistan in September. First two weeks, temperatures from 100 to 120 F (for American's understanding since we never went to C temps), then the latter half of September 1/3 of the entire country was flooded. I think around 33 million people displaced, no food, no water, no homes then just think, those temperatures and standing water. Malaria and Dengue fever. diseased water to drink, loss of arable land and the stored food drowned. I'm glad I have very few years left. Peter you are a brave soul to keep putting accurate info out, can't imagine all the names you have been called. .


While we're watching the apocalypse, everyone should re-read "An Enemy of the People" by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. The climate denial is a predictable pattern of human behavior, and no, it will not go away.


Thank you Peter Carter. Your relentless dedication and putting out of information is very much appreciated, always. Please make sure that the pictures that you create and circulate are high resolution, otherwise they can’t be projected (in classrooms, for example, which is how I would use them). Thanks again. Your courage inspires me to keep on keeping on and to do as much as I can to hepl the climate movement.


Dr. Carter....I can only take so much of your sound science, honesty, and wisdom, before I exit your videos, though I humbly thank you for them. From my standpoint, they increasingly resemble "heroics."
I'm constantly reminded of the "Fermi Paradox." every direction I look. I believe it is the hypothesis that best fits our situation. Our species had the best chance of rising to this challenge 50-70 years ago, (with a much lower population), but we blew past that opportunity, by not taking it seriously, which resulted in a cascading human tipping point, (as distinct from an atmospheric tipping point), which consequently ushered in an inevitable 6th mass extinction.
I suspect you may feel the way I do, despite your gallant efforts.


To be a scientist and ecologist is to live in a world of wounds. Oh dear. Dr Carter, it is a sad day. You must to get outside and experience every bit of nature that exists right now. Dear Peter, yes the entire thrust of human civilization is pushing the biosphere up to and past its limits.


Denial is the conscious refusal to perceive that painful facts exist. In denying latent feelings an individual can escape intolerable thoughts, feelings, or events


Thank you, Peter, for sharing this information. It is a shame that not more people are taking notice of what is really happening.


Part of the problem, Peter, is that many otherwise 'progressive' people have confounded the capitalist / elitist pseudo *response* to the climate crisis, i.e., the WEF and its various power-grabbing 'globalist' machinations....with the climate crisis itself. Not being able to juggle more than one intellectual ball at a time is an all too common affliction. To boot, the general level of scientific illiteracy on such matters is simply appalling.


The problem with climate scientists is that they do not study sociology or animal behavior. Humans are not nice animals. We are, in fact, the most dangerous animals on the planet and in ecological overshoot. We instinctively operate in a pattern of social hierarchies and positioning displays. The old Vikings in Greenland starved because their cattle were not just their food, but symbols of their social status. Money or wealth is a social status game with no other real value. We will die attempting to position ourselves within a society. This is why everyone has carbon belching cars. They are status symbols. A large segment of the population will drive us to extinction simply to be at the head of the table or to be seen to be socially important.


Thank you for your information and thoughts, Peter Carter.


We are already in the process of societal collapse, and as this progresses we will lose social capacity to respond to emergencies including the climate emergencies. You can expect attempts to compensate for this by increased energy use and a fallback to old energy sources (e.g., coal). I am afraid that we are not just locked into +1.5C but probably, from a sociological standpoint, we are locked into +2.0C if not more--well, yeah, probably a lot more. I am by nature an optimist, so this is the rosy picture. You do not want to see the dark one.


Peter, It's 18c now in the last week of October. The sun is hot on your face and the breeze is warm. This is not typical British weather.


Working my butt off to try and generate the political will needed. Love you Peter. x


Thank you so much. I become very exasperated when people talk about our climate catastrophe as being far, far in the future. I treasure your honesty.


Colorado River -- Mississippi River -- record drought!!
Yes it is mind-boggling to perceive the... gaslighting? ...denial? by public spokespersons. It is almost impossible to accept. You are not alone in awaking to the ludicrous truth of the human predicament. It is grief wrapped in sorrow.


Broken world..broken heart for all life on earth....they know its soon


Unfortunately, Dr Carter nails it. If we are honest with ourselves, it’s too late. The dependency of the global economy on fossil energy is still overwhelming. Despite all the talking renewable energy is no were near close . And a lot of countries are building vast numbers of new fossil fuel power plants. Hence, we are going to pass 1.5, then 2 degrees with horrible consequences. Knowing this, being optimistic is just absurd. I feel terribly bad for my young kids.


1992 I was a college senior, I remember how happy we were that a global conference on climate change was being held, it made me feel safe, like things could be brought under control. Is that all these conferences are? A feeling of safety without the substance of action.


Some wonderful comments on here with which I concur: Peter is a blessing and that we are in a difficult and fast approaching a dire situation in all of our lives. Seen it all hundreds and hundreds of times the litany of facts, evidence and conclusive logic that puts us where we are. I feel it at the end of my nose as i walk about outside things are afoot. Is it too much to ask for the majority of humanity to have understood all this before we all drop off the edge.


Thank you wholeheartedly your relentless dedicated efforts.
