Former Stripper Shares Powerful Testimony of Jesus! 🙌

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Andrea Huertas

Directed by Eric Villatoro
Interviewed by Eric Villatoro
Edited By Joshua Gayle
Audio Mixed by Paul Nicholas
Testimony Recorded at King of the Nations Church in Rockville, MD

00:00 Intro Clip
01:03 Growing up in Christian Home
02:29 Introduction to Witchcraft
06:17 The Ouija Board Addiction
15:58 Overdosing on PCP
20:05 God Saves Me From Abusive Relationship
30:35 Becoming a Stripper, Reaching Rock Bottom
35:10 Calling out to God
37:20 God Answers, New Life Begins
41:48 Deliverance From Witchcraft
43:43 Who is Jesus to you?
44:01 Advice for those interested in Witchcraft
46:02 Encouragement to those in abusive relationships
48:02 Last Words
49:14 Prayer


Delafé Testimonies is a global evangelistic project with the mission of creating the world's largest archive of Jesus testimonies. Our vision is to save souls, build community, and set people free through the testimony of Jesus.
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The number of times God saved her just shows God’s undying love for HIS children.


When she said three men out of nowhere came to save her that made me think of the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God is truly good!! Bless you sister, I’m so happy you’re alive and well, may God continue to keep you! 🫶🏽


The way I literally screamed out when she said the 3 men came to save her. God truly is so powerful wow wow wow


WOW! This testimony had me sobbing. It is very similar to mine. Crystal meth addict for 12 years, I could not go 20 minutes without getting high. That pitiful, demoralization had become my state of being. One night alone in my apartment I got down on my knees prayed, cried and pleaded really. The very next day I did not get high and have now been sober for 19 years. God is so good!


Those three men were angels! Gods providence is amazing!


I went to high school with Andrea. This Was More Than A Blessing To See!!! Congratulations On Overcoming All Of Satans Obstacles And Giving Your Life To God. Thank You For Sharing Your Story Of Redemption!! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


I've been through everything she's talking about, and more. Thank you Jesus for these last 2 years of deliverance.


PARENTS PARENTS WE NEED TO UP OUR GAME WHEN IT COMES TO RAISING OUR KIDS!!!its not enough anymore to be a christian family, loving the Lord but we need to start teaching our kids the Bible ourselves, let us not leave it to the church.pray for your kids, pray with your kids, teach them how to pray for themselves. Pray for their mind, that is the area the devil will use to take our children away from the path of righteousness.teach your kids that the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, teach them that the devil is a liar always. we need to do a better job in spiritual parenting.let us not wait for the devil to hit before we react, let us get ready to meet him and scare him away from our children!!! let us prepare our kids for the outside world, the devil is out there waiting for them and he is arming himself to get us down. this testimony made me so so sad and mad!!! Thank You Lord for saving Your daughter!!!


I used to be a stripper and we had all types of weird people in and I got into witchcraft as well including I fell in lust with this guy that was also practicing witchcraft. I was so lost. And one day God rescued me, I stopped dancing, I have a beautiful daughter now and I serve the Lord he changed the way I dress l, my mentality, friends choices etc. God is amazing


Ok, its Saturday morning, I stopped drinking 2 weeks ago and stopped smoking pot two days ago. I have been transitioning. My body has changed... I ask for your prayers. Tony


"help me, I don't know how to change" is such a powerful confession


Once you know the devil exists, there's nothing better than meeting Jesus who has victory over sin and the devil. Shalom to you!


I had a terrible demonic attack after my twins were born for 6 or more months. I was folding baby clothes one day in the bedroom and finally I had had enough of this sick attack that energized all sharp objects to take my children’s lives. It was sick and terrible. Finally, I said to the ‘AIR’ out loud: “Do you know who I am?! How DARE you attack me, I am a child of the Most High God! I am seated above in Heavenly places, Seated inside of Christ at the right Hand of the Father, Hid with Christ inside of God. I am Covered by the blood of The Lamb. I am hid WITH Christ inside of God!” Instantly this attack was gone. It was over. It had gone on for months and months (and I suffered alone) - IT WAS GONE, over. It disappeared liked a popped balloon, and never returned. This is the power we have in Christ against the powers of darkness. Claim your position in the heavenlies and enjoy the power you have in your Heirship with the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Amen. Praise God. Read 2 Corinthians 10:3, 4, 5.


Keep my son in your prayers. He walked away from God years ago and things are going on on his life that he needs God to help him with.❤


"Blessed are those who weep"

Yes, cry out loud for Him. He will run to answer and protect us. All glories to the Almighty Lord !!!!


Jesus has given her a second chance at life. No matter how many sins you commit, the Lord would always forgive.


My Lord. This was POWERFUL. 13 years and she is STILL in love. Glory HALLELUJAH.


She’s a compassionate woman- she stuck up for the kid in middle school and the enemy jumped on it to expose her to darkness at a young age. I’m so happy Jesus saved her. ❤❤❤


March 26, 2024 I was saved and reborn again, it’s nothing like her testimony in which I give glory to God for her salvation. But what she felt at that moment of excepting Jesus Christ as a Lord and Savior is the same feeling and presence of the Holy Spirit that I felt in my room GLORY TO MY GOD GLORY TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST GLORY TO THE HOLY



This is so good. I am a Pastor and had been for 25 years. Just listening to this testimony increases my pasion to reach out to souls. We are workmen together with God. Sister, continue to serve God in and out of season. GOD BLES YOU
