The slander against Aisha.

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This is a story that largely remains hidden from lay believers.
Enjoy responsibly.
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The target of slander was not Aisha herself but Muhammad. The accusation posed a dilemma in which male honor is threatened by the sexual aspersions cast upon a woman. Aisha embodied Muhammad's honor and the accusation against her chastity threatened to undermine both the Prophet’s male honor and the prestige of his religious mission.

You would understand such traditions better if you put them into cultural context of the time, where honor and shame are crucial concepts, with male honor linked closely to female chastity. From such pov the accusation against Aisha becomes a communal crisis rather than a private matter. Her vindication was pivotal not only for her personal integrity but also for the collective honor of her family and religious community.

Now if you examine Ali’s statement on this matter, it reveals a greater threat of communal strife that this incidence may have imposed for him to suggest Prophet that the scandal made his favorite wife a liability and to replace her with another which would reinstate his male honor and safeguard his divine mission.

Moreover you did not consider the sectarian angle in the Muslim community that could have propagated such polemical traditions used them for character assassination, fueling moral and ethical doubts regarding Abu Bakr's daughter and indirectly the integrity of Caliphs which could have been concocted by the Alids and Abbasids propagandists. It is evident you lack proper training to unpack these things. You isolate the narrative from its cultural and religious background and its patriarchal society of the late antiquity, to a singular agenda. It is evident you lack basic knowledge of Islamic history and sects that helped in preserving such exegetical memory and shaping our understanding of them and which is why it is difficult for you to understand and contextualize them.


I just watched your video about clueless converts met a clueless....


Christian logic .. Aisha was 9 when married so from this incident we conclude we should worship a man named Jesus as God ...🫢😏
