The Man Who (Accidentally) Solved The Meaning Of Life

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Carl Jung: The Man Who (Actually) Solved The Meaning Of Life

Written, animated, scored, and produced by The Curious Guy.

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I have multiple sclerosis
My immune system is attacking my nervous system
Channels like this are the only reason I’m still alive
Thank you for helping me find a way where there was no way


“Trust those who seek the truth, doubt those who find it “ 💎


When I was like 10 or 11 years old I thought I had found the meaning of life. It was right before I had to go to bed and I really wanted to tell someone, but when I was about to tell it to my dad, he just said: “You can tell me tomorrow”. Then, instead of writing it down or something, I just went to sleep and thought that I would remember it the next day. But when I woke up, I couldn’t and since then, whenever I remember this moment, I for some reason can never remember what I thought back then that the meaning of life was.


"Written, animated, scored, and produced by The Curious Guy."
you are a one man army bro
idk how you dont have millions of subscribers


A young boy asked me once what the meaning of life is, I told him. The meaning of life is to find meaning.


As we all have, I’ve struggled with thoughts of death and meaninglessness for years. One recurring compulsive thought was “I have no reason to live.” What a wise dark thought. I resisted initially, but then started to counter the thought with this: “There is a reason to be alive in every moment.” The reasoning: Each breath, step, and slumber seems insignificant but is an essential stepping stone for me to impact the world and others in those rare moments where the meaning is blatantly apparent. Treat every moment, task, job, and career as if you were serving the universe. Yes, even the Janitors and the Ship fanfic authors. Without the negative experiences in our lives, achieving our needs wouldn’t be as meaningful. Imagine a perfect world but everything felt meaningless because it’d be unearned. If we ever achieve an end to suffering for all beings, it will be the sweetest nectar as it will be earned, sacrificed for; cherished truthfully and honestly.

The earth you live on loves you and I hope you do too.


i was listening to this video with my eyes closed and i almost got in a state of meditation. that’s how powerful this was to me, your voice sent me in a very relaxed state and the explanation of Jung’s theories really went deep into my mind. amazing work you’ve done there, thank you for that.


I saw many videos about Jung's work, but this has to be one of the best - clearly explained, to the point, great background music and overall calm with nice animation. Keep them coming please.


We keep looking for deep answers. The purpose of life is simple: just experience things and, as much as possible, enjoy yourself.


Once you realize what he's saying, you will find it difficult to get along with people who are still yet to begin that journey, so there's still yet more work to do, thankfully.


Viktor Frankl. An extrordinary example of an individual who had everything taken away from him. And he provided us with two books. Man's Search For Meaning and Yes To Life - In Spite Of Everything (the phrase coming from a work camp song they used to sing to keep workers motivated). If you ever need an answer, look no further than even just one of these books if you wish to look to a modern figure who only died in the 90s.

Do not rely just on one source though. Many others have the answer too no matter the time or the age. You just need to find them and see the connections as our dear Jung did too. The ideas are indeed consistent with our nature. Archetypal.

Your loving armchair keyboard philosopher,

The Architect.


I’m glad I passed by. Needed this just now


Hi there Curious Guy! If your channel doesn’t BOOM, I'll lose my faith on the internet. Will be waiting for more. The content, narration, animation, edit everything is just so so great!


wtf i looked down and saw only 33 views and i was so confused haha, this is such a great video i expected it to at least have a few hundred thousand


"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.
Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart ... Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.

The present day shows with appalling clarity how little able people are to let the other man’s argument count, although this capacity is a fundamental and indispensable condition for any human community. Everyone who proposes to come to terms with himself must reckon with this basic problem. For, to the degree that he does not admit the validity of the other person, he denies the “other” within himself the right to exist --- and vice versa. The capacity for inner dialogue is a touchstone for outer objectivity.

An inflated consciousness is always egocentric and conscious of nothing but its own existence. It is incapable of learning from the past, incapable of understanding contemporary events, and incapable of drawing right conclusions about the future. It is hypnotized by itself and therefore cannot be argued with. It inevitably dooms itself to calamities that must strike it dead."

Everyone has in him something of the criminal, the genius, and the saint. We all feel that the opposite of our own highest principle must be purely destructive, deadly, and evil. We refuse to endow it with any positive life-force; hence we avoid and fear it. By not being aware of having a shadow, you declare a part of your personality to be non-existent. Then it enters the kingdom of the non-existent, which swells up and takes on enormous proportions…If you get rid of qualities you don’t like by denying them, you become more and more unaware of what you are, you declare yourself more and more non-existent, and your devils will grow fatter and fatter. There is, after all, no harsher bitterness than that of a person who is his own worst enemy.

Until you allow the unconscious to become conscious, it will rise up to you as your life and you will call it your fate. Unfortunately there is no doubt about the fact that man is, as a whole, less good than he imagines himself or wants to be. Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual's conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. There is, after all, no harsher bitterness than that of a person who is his own worst enemy.

I have noticed that people usually have not much difficulty in picturing to themselves what is meant by the shadow, even if they would have preferred instead a bit of Latin or Greek jargon that sounds more “scientific.” But it costs them enormous difficulties to understand what the anima is. They accept her easily enough when she appears in novels or as a film star, but she is not understood at all when it comes to seeing the role she plays in their own lives, because she sums up everything that a man can never get the better of and never finishes coping with.

Therefore it remains in a perpetual state of emotionality which must not be touched. The degree of unconsciousness one meets with in this connection is, to put it mildly, astounding. Hence it is practically impossible to get a man who is afraid of his own femininity to understand what is meant by the anima.

For the sake of mental stability and even physiological health, the unconscious and the conscious must be integrally connected and thus move on parallel lines. If they are split apart or “dissociated, ” psychological disturbance follows. For every manifest case of insanity there are, in my estimation, at least ten latent cases who seldom get to the point of breaking out openly but whose views and behavior, for all their appearance of normality, are influenced by unconsciously morbid and perverse factors.

We want to have certainties and no doubts -- results and no experiments -- without even seeing that certainties can arise only through doubt and results only through experiment. The conflict between science and religion is in reality a misunderstanding of both.

Moderns consider themselves wholly rational, unemotional, scientific, and atheistic. Where earlier humanity had realized its unconscious through religion, moderns dismiss both religion and the unconscious as prescientific delusions. Instead, moderns proudly identify themselves with their ego and thereby boast of their omnipotence: “nowadays most people identify themselves almost exclusively with their consciousness, and imagine that they are their ego.

They thereby pit themselves — their ego — against their unconscious ... and doctrinairism are the disease of our time; they pretend to have all the answers. Where primitives identify themselves with the world itself, moderns identify themselves with the part of them that controls the world: the ego. Modern man can't see God because he doesn't look low enough.

If our religion is based on salvation, our chief emotions will be fear and trembling. If our religion is based on wonder, our chief emotion will be gratitude. If ignorance alone, according to Gnostic orthodoxy, keeps humans tied to the material world, knowledge frees them from it. Because humans are ignorant, that knowledge must come from outside them. Because the powers of the material world are ignorant, too, that knowledge must come from beyond them as well: it can come only from the godhead. The dependence of humanity on the godhead matches the dependence of the ego on the unconscious to reveal itself

The conflict between science and religion is in reality a misunderstanding of both. Scientific materialism has merely introduced a new hypostasis, and that is an intellectual sin. It has given another name to the supreme principle of reality and has assumed that this created a new thing and destroyed and old thing. Whether you call the principle of existence "God, " "matter, " "energy, " or anything else you like, you have created nothing; you have simply changed a symbol. The materialist is a metaphysician malgré lui.

The critical philosophy of science became as it were negatively metaphysical -- in other words, materialistic--on the basis of an error of judgement; matter was assumed to be a tangible and recognizable reality. Yet this is a thoroughly metaphysical concept hypostatized by uncritical minds. Matter is an hypothesis. When you say "matter, " you are really creating a symbol for something unknown, which may just as well be "spirit" or anything else; it may even be God.

We must be able to let things happen in the psyche. For us, this becomes a real art... Consciousness is forever interfering, helping, correcting, and negating, never leaving the single growth of the psychic processes in peace. The primordial is the source or agent of everything else. Prior to its emanating anything, it is whole, self-sufficient, perfect. The godhead thus symbolizes the unconscious before the emergence of the ego out of it.
Continued ⬇


Nice voiceover, animation, music and thoughts. Definitely gonna see you blow up.


I’ve been reading jung for a long time but this video is so far the best explanation of Jung work that I’ve found so far. Simply amazing.


The visuals are amazing!!! Thanks for sharing and taking time to share sometime so relevant in this beautiful way


Currently reading man and his symbols and this was a great summary of Jung’s thoughts!


i am starting to love the feed that youtube gives and still, rarely i subscribe in a minute. please keep doing what you doing, we the people need this
