The Real Cost of Brexit: How Everyday Britons Are Affected

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In this video, we uncover the real cost of Brexit: struggling local businesses, severe labor shortages, and skyrocketing prices affecting everyday Britons. Discover the hidden impacts of Brexit on trade, employment, and your daily life. Join us as we explore how Brexit has redefined the UK economy and what it means for the future.

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The UK's relationship with the EU has been a trainwreck from day one.

They acted like a spoiled brat who wanted to be part of the cool kids' club but couldn't stand following the rules once they got in.

The government begged to join when they realized they were missing out on the economic party, but they never fully committed to the "European project."

Once in, they constantly whined, demanded special treatment, and acted like they were too good for the rest of Europe. They wanted all the benefits without any of the responsibilities.

UK politicians used the EU as a convenient scapegoat for decades, blaming Brussels for their own failures and feeding the public a steady diet of bullshit about straight bananas and other nonsense.

Meanwhile, the British public evidentally couldn't be arsed to actually learn how the EU worked, preferring to believe words on a red bus trundling around the country.

They swallowed tabloid lies and politician's bullshit hook, line, and sinker.

When things got tough, instead of working to reform the EU from within (where they had significant influence), the government helped by Farage threw a massive tantrum and decided to take their ball and go home.

The Brexit campaign was a shitshow of lies fueled by xenophobia and delusions of grandeur, led by opportunists who never thought they'd actually win.

Now the UK is out, the press media is still bitching about the EU, acting shocked that actions have consequences, and trying to blame everyone but themselves for the mess they've created.

It's like watching a never-ending episode of a really bad reality TV show.


I told them the British we Poles are not settlers but guest workers. Similar to Germany gastarbeiter. We work and return home. But they voted anyway Brexit to stop Polish and Romanian "migrants". Now they can enjoy real settlers from the third world


I sell on eBay, and before Brexit came into force in 2020 I used to sell a lot to the EU. I would say two-thirds of my sales were to the EU. Now I sell nothing to the EU and I am having trouble selling anything at all. The cost to me of Brexit has been huge!


"The only country ever to sanction itself."


Brexiters -Be careful what you wish for. What's better now? Sovereignty? Ask yourself. What can you do now that you could not do before?


You voted to leave, you left, the end.


Have fun with your newfound sovereignty!
Greetings from the continent!


Brexit killed my online shopping with UK online shops . 😂


The economic cost of Brexit was always both predictable and inevitable, and this summary of how cutting oneself off from one's most plentiful customer base and most amenable external labour source could only ever increase the economy's vulnerability when other global economic factors adversely affected it could have been written and presented in 2016 with little or no change to its text at all.

However what is harder to quantify, and probably in much more urgent need of being discussed within the UK, is the societal, political and geo-political cost of this monumentally stupid self-inflicted injury. One reason that this is little discussed within the UK of course is that in many ways Brexit was as much a symptom of a much deeper malaise within UK society as it was a trigger event for the subsequent decline in all these areas that inevitably followed it.

If anything "good" could be claimed to have come from "Brexit" it was its exposure of the huge constitutional, political and educational deficit within the UK polity, at least if it means to continue to pretend to be a modern democracy as understood in the rest of the civilised world. Recognition of this deficit, including the realisation that the polity as currently constituted represents more a neo-feudal state than an actual democracy, should be the first step towards finally taking the measures required to rectify such an existentially dangerous system for those with the misfortune to live within it.

The tragedy of "Brexit" of course is that while this fact about the UK was so brutally exposed to just about everyone else currently living within a modern democracy who was observing all this from without, such is the nature of living in a neo-feudal society that few if any of those within it are equipped to recognise this too, and even those few for whom this self-evident truth has dawned are clueless regarding how to go about rectifying this existentially threatening issue for themselves.

The cost of "Brexit", in other words, may in fact be so huge that even its massive economic consequences pale into insignificance in comparison to the true extent of what those within the UK polity as currently constituted, with the tiny and diminishing political agency that they have been granted, are now about to pay.


Strongly suspect that the full effect of the Withdrawal Agreement Act and Trade & Co-operation Agreement have not been demonstrated, as the UK government prior to July 2024 chose to delay implementation of measures agreed to. This occurred more than once, and has contributed to the EU bringing legal proceedings against the UK government for non-compliance. While public recognition of the harm and damage caused to the UK by Brexit is clear, a change in public opinion to correct the mistake and repair that damage is not yet manifest. Delays cannot be continued indefinitely without consequences, and implementation cannot avoid intensification of that damage.


The biggest cost of Brexit will always be the human one! The loss of free movement within the EU, retiring, studying, having more job opportunities. And only if the British could see how nice Schengen is, getting off the plane and ending up at the bus station without realising it! No passport control queues! I hope the UK will join the EU again because young British deserve better!


Now, after Brexit, UK residents have more free time (no exports and work), can this remind UK residents that the houses they live in need to be repainted and renovated once every 80 years? There are already normal taps with water in the world, walls do not have to be made of sticks and paper, windows can have two panes, and ventilation is not a hole in the wall. It is not comfortable to live in a 19th century museum.


Visas to work in the GB are purely GB implicated ... If the GB government would drop them issues would no longer be present ... 1.5k GB government tax for visas for agriculture workers is absurdly high(not worth doing) ... It is pure self-inflicted damage. But there are the other issues ... wages in GB are not desirable enough to move there ... at least IT worker wages in GB and Poland or Romania are actually the same ... considering the lower costs of living there, GB is not an attractive place to be ...


Have fun with your new freedom, sovereignty, borders, waters, and own politic


Global Benefit: The idiotic term ‘ex-pat’ is disappearing.


UK got what they voted for.
Cherry picking ended.
Project fear became project reality.
Learning by pain is best learning method of reality.
No rejoin, no swiss style benefits, no extra rules, no excuses, no exemptions, no complaints anymore, no blocking, no slowing down, no rebate.
Out means out.
Thank you so much, UK. 😂


Animation and editing exceeded my expectations, it seems to be some 1 million subscribers channel quality editing, keep up the good work👍


Prior to Brexit we (SMEs) were customers & suppliers within the Single Market. Now we are importers & exporters with all the costs that entails. However that is only half the picture: the EU SMEs we used to trade with now also need to be importers & exporters to trade with the UK, but here's the crux - they don't need to. They still have a market of 500m people to freely trade with, so either don't bother trading with the UK of pass on the (significant) costs to us.
We are a nation of shopkeepers (SMEs in modern parlance) - now the advantage has been handed to multi-nationals as we can no longer compete in our nearest and largest market.
Outside the SM/CU, UK is a dead economy walking.


Populist ideas about economic policy almost always ends in disaster. Because the idea of offering a simple solution to a complex problem is a joke.

If you support a populist idea and have a weak foundation in the subject area, it’s best to not support it and educate yourself.


Sterling fell in value on the date of the vote and has never recovered, increasing costs.
