Dandy's World...and the 'No-Starter' Public Mentality [ROBLOX - Dandy's World]

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They also have to start somewhere, same as you.
#roblox #dandysworld

00:00 - xyz for pro run
01:00 - So...Starters
01:24 - The Problem for Starters
03:01 - The over-reliance on Distractors
03:58 - "But I wanna play with pros"
04:16 - Public Runs low expectations
04:30 - Closing Remarks
04:41 - Thank you members!
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Since people asked about my shaders in the game, I'll share my custom preset here.
*NOTE: You need to have a Nvidia Graphics card to use shaders since this requires GeForce and Nvidia Ansel. Fishstrap (a fork of Bloxstrap) is also recommended to force the lighting engine into future (my shaders looks overly bright if the lighting engine is not future so you will need fishstrap if you plan to use my preset)*


One time, I was playing Poppy, and this really nice vintage Teagan came up to me during a blackout, my first ever blackout, and was like “Are you new?” I said yes, and she told everyone else to protect me since I was super new and didn’t know the game too well. I’ll be forever grateful for players like that.


These "abc for PRO run" things really annoy me bc they judge your toon and in the first floor they are the one who died immediately and blames you.


When i first started, I chose boxten, went with a friend into the elevator, got extremely confused and hated the game for a solid month, saying it was overrated. One day I finally gave it another chance and a vintage vee offered to teach me. We did around four runs before they had to go and im now almost able to get vee herself!! Ty, whoever it was that taught me


“Oh it’s their fault for not reading” Like I didn’t even notice the info tab until this video.


You are a lifesaver, I have been stuck at 7% on Bobette for what feels like an eternity because my friends die every quickly and all of the public teams I joined couldn't get anywhere close to floor 20. Using the BCS discord server, my performance has become better than ever!


To be honest, I know having a distractor REALLY benefits the team, but I feel like more players should learn how to deal with twisteds roaming around without a distractor. I hate that every time the distractor leaves, dies, or stops distracting, every starts panicking not knowing what to do. They either die or start bashing on said distractor.
I’ve been playing as an extractor all the time and I usually don’t have trouble with twisteds, heck I play solo runs as an extractor and not even mains give me any problems at all.

Basically speaking, more players should learn how to evade twisteds more efficiently so that they don’t have to depend on the distractors too much.


My second time playing was with a Toodles and a Rodger. They were super nice and introduced me to the concept of Dandy runs. Thanks so much, Toodles and Rodger.


I'm glad this is being spoken out, because when I was a starter, I got BULLIED HARD. My first impressions of the game was just mostly Goob mains yelling at me and blaming me for every wrongdoings that I didn't even make. And also people arguing with each other for ONE wrong thing someone did and sending death threats. I still remember 2 interactions of the Goob mains vividly so let me give recalls. (I'll just put them in replies since they're kind of long)
After those incidents, I just begin to do solo private runs everytime I play. I got to floor 6 as Boxten on my 1st try, then floor 16 as Brightney on my 7th try. Which was WAY FARTHER than when I'm with purchase-able toons. Now? I can get to floor 20+ solo.
There's rarely people that is willing to invite starters in their run, shoo-ing any starters away when they get in the same elevator as them.
Like, It's not that hard to be nice to starters and let them play and learn.

When I do multiplayer runs in public servers and there's a starter, I will protect them with my life as they learn what to do. Like, I will take EVERY attack to protect them. I don't want them to go through what I had to go through. I want them to learn teamwork rather than doing everything alone.


This is absolutely true. When i was a starter, i felt like i wasnt even there, everyone shooed me away and expected me to cope with it. I hate those type of people bc they make my blood boil. Like, it is NOT that hard to be kind. And most of the time, they die on floor 2. They cant even play without an active distractor! And poppies always make it to floor 5+ for my experience. If you are one of these people, grow up and get a life, because im coming for you and rapidly approaching you at an alarming rate


Most of my knowledge of the game came from a very kind teagan that taught me any questions I had.. I read the instructions and tried so hard to get a public que that actually accepted me.
Close to getting goob!


“Quiz for pro run, no poppy no boxten no Shrimpo, no noob, no easy trinkets, no starters, no skill issue” -tisha


I once joined a run full of starters only. (I was poppy, to be nice.)
They all had no idea what they were doing so I taught them how to play-ish, most of them sadly died on floor 1 due to me being vague in my explanation of the game, and one of them quite literally taking the instructions "Hug the table" literally. (by hug the table I meant to run around it)

I managed to teach ONE out of the eight starters how to successfully play the game, and we're still friended on roblox. (They have cosmo now, they really wanted cosmo.)


when i started, i joined a really nice server. i went ahead and jumped into a run hosted by a tisha, and they told me to read the info page. so, i read it and then went into the run. the toons all helped me extract, cheering me on and begging for me to not die! i love them sm 💙!! we need more people like that :(


First public run I did (after miserably failing solo twice as Boxten) was SO nice, people were pretty understanding that I was new and had pretty much little to nothing (like. no trinkets AT ALL.) and I ended up surviving until floor 10!! I'm so glad those 7 people were really nice and let me join them :3


That reminds me of my first time, I joined a Pebble's run. Most of the toons in the run were skeptical of me for being a newbie Boxten. Majority of the toons in the team died, but me, Pebbles, and Sprout left. I don't know how, but I somehow survived until Floor 29. Because while going through floors, the gameplay was similar to some of the games I used to play before.


funny story, one time i joined a cosmo/sprout army (mostly cosmos) and a starter asked if they could join, and mentioned they were new, we offered to help them learn the game, and that starter became a really good friend of mine.


I think we should start hosting "tutorial runs" aka runs with the express purpouse of showing new players the basics to the game


Pro Poppy here! As a Poppy main (yap warning cuz I'm the god of it)

i used to get ignored so much by people only cuz they think im a starter, they dont judge them by how they play but only from the toon they used, and also, i dont think every starters is bad, cuz me, myself when i was a starter, i was on a dandy run and ended up outliving everyone

And also poppy isn't that bad, you may not feel like she is a good to on but wait untill you get to floor 10 or more, you can see her passive goes very well with many heals you have which is important if you encounter a main, lethal or long ranged twisteds

you can easily outrun them without wasting speed items, once you're done getting chased you can just use heal items to activate the passive more at risky situations, this completely proves that every toon is great (excluding shrimpo) as long you knows how to use it right

Ok y'all, just it my message to those who says "abc for pro run no poppy or boxtens!! " or something like that


I've been playing for 6 days now and while grinding for hours trying to get more mains, i met some really cool starters who i helped last as long as I can, pro runs upset me ngl because I had a goob try to deny me access to a run because i was "not good enough" as tisha and *i* lasted way longer.. thank you for talking abt this!!!