How to Recruit 10 New Resellers in 30 Days

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Welcome to the "10 in 30 Challenge" training program. This guide is designed to help you recruit 10 new resellers in 30 days, leveraging proven strategies and intense effort. Let's break down the steps and principles to achieve this goal.

Reference the call below...

Success Love Speed
- *Teach building the 4 benchmarks.*
Enroll 1 on the Left + 1 on the Right to Hit Copper Rank

If you sell 2 yearly subscriptions, you will earn almost $100, covering the cost of your own subscription.

Enroll 2 on the Left + 2 on the Right to Repeat Copper Rank

Build a user enrollment tree of 25+ and you will achieve this by default if you help and teach your team to reach Copper.

Personally Enrol 10+
Sharpening Skills:Improve your inviting skills; learning happens in the doing.

Watch our success series modules

- Prospecting
- Inviting
- Follow up
- Third party credibility
- Handling Objection
30-Day Recruitment Plan

Days 1–10: Engage, Share, and Invite

Objective: Focus on introducing as many people as possible to GotBackUp, sharing the key benefits, and inviting them to watch the introductory video and live presentation.

Day 1: Start Your Outreach
Identify 20–30 potential leads from your network (friends, family, coworkers, social media connections).
Send a friendly message introducing GotBackUp and its cloud storage benefits.
Example Message:
“Hey [Name], have you heard about GotBackUp? It’s a super affordable, secure data storage service I’ve been working with, and it’s a real lifesaver for protecting files. I’d love to show you how it works!”
Include your recruitment link and ask them to watch the introductory video.

Day 2: Follow-Up with Video Watchers
Follow up with the people you reached out to on Day 1.
Ask if they had a chance to watch the video and what they thought.
“Did you get a chance to watch the video I sent you? I think GotBackUp could really help you manage your personal/business data.”

Day 3: More Outreach and Video Invites
Continue to reach out to more people from your network, aiming to have a total of 30 people contacted by Day 3.
Invite them to watch the video and attend a live presentation.
“We’re having a quick live presentation tomorrow that will explain how GotBackUp works. Can I count you in?”

Day 4: Invite to Live Presentation
For those who haven’t yet committed, invite them to your scheduled live presentation.
Use a follow-up message to encourage attendance.

Day 5: Host/Attend the Live Presentation
Presentation day: Ensure your prospects attend the live session where GotBackUp is presented clearly.
After the presentation, immediately send a message thanking them for attending and asking for their thoughts.

Day 6: Follow-Up and Handle Objections
Follow up with all those who attended the presentation.
Handle any questions or objections they may have.
Emphasize the benefits, such as ease of use, security, and peace of mind for their data.

Day 7: Request the Close
Begin asking for sign-ups directly.

“Sounds like GotBackUp is a great fit for you! Let’s get you signed up so you can start protecting your data today.”

Day 8: More Follow-Ups and New Outreach
Reach out to any remaining leads who haven’t responded or haven’t watched the video. Continue to engage with those who attended the presentation but haven’t signed up yet.

Day 9: Final Close Push for First Batch
Make a final push for closing the first batch of sign-ups.
Use phrases like “limited time” or “exclusive offer” to create urgency if appropriate.

Day 10: Celebrate and Onboard
Celebrate your first sign-ups! Send them a welcome message and begin onboarding.

Provide them with all necessary resources (recruitment links, video links, live presentation schedules) and help them start their outreach.
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