Spring Boot Kotlin Part 3: Logging in Logback and Log4j2

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In this video we are going to take at logging in Spring Boot. We are going to discuss the 2 options we have for logging libraries at the time of recording this video (early 2022) as well as the facade library SLF4J. We are going to showcase a basic usage of SLF4J then write an XML configuration file for Logback. After that, we are going to switch our project to Log4J2 then write an XML configuration file for Log4J2.
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00:00 Introduction
00:43 Overview of logging libraries
04:10 Creating the Spring Boot project
05:50 Basic logging usage
08:29 Formatting in loggers
11:49 Logback configuration file
15:59 Switch the project to Log4J2 and reconfigure
In this video we are going to take at logging in Spring Boot. We are going to discuss the 2 options we have for logging libraries at the time of recording this video (early 2022) as well as the facade library SLF4J. We are going to showcase a basic usage of SLF4J then write an XML configuration file for Logback. After that, we are going to switch our project to Log4J2 then write an XML configuration file for Log4J2.
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My business website, you can hire me there
00:00 Introduction
00:43 Overview of logging libraries
04:10 Creating the Spring Boot project
05:50 Basic logging usage
08:29 Formatting in loggers
11:49 Logback configuration file
15:59 Switch the project to Log4J2 and reconfigure
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