Hairspray 2007 - End Scene(s)

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I love Amber isn't a villan per say, but just grow up in a toxic environment serving to be her mother's way to liver hear dreams through Amber. That's why I love when she:

1- Recognizes that she lost
2 - Got attracted to a black guy
3 - Broke her prejudice to go to him and learn some moves from him

This is all the redemption arc she needs in my eye, because this shows that, thou she is very much controlled by her mom, when time comes to push and her mother all the power she have over other people, Amber chooses by herself to do the things she was probably wanting to do for a long time

This movie is so perfect, and this ending never fails to make me happy


I love the fact that Amber was just raised terribly by Velma and that’s the reason for her entire personality, she didn’t even know that Velma was cheating for her


4:06 For being one of the main two antagonists in the 2007 musical reboot movie of Hairspray, it was actually quite surprisingly that unlike her mother, Amber actually became a good loser not gonna lie right there.


Fun Fact: the Cast and Crew nicknamed this song "You Can't Stop to Breathe" because it went so fast that they were constantly fighting to not pass out from lack of air


"Amber, stop it!" My favorite😂 Stop eyeing that man!


It was always my thought that Inez and Seaweed eventually had Corny as a step father, lol.

Corny very clearly had a thing for Maybelle in this movie.


I honestly like the change that Inez wins. It makes more sense to me as officially integrating the show.


One of the best musical films of all time. God this brings back so much nostalgia.


8:19 I dont blame the way queen Latifah looked James Madsen. He was hot in this movie! 😊


I love that integration came true through a victory and a literal crowning of a very deserving Inez by the TV host in the movie and given its due time instead of just a thrown away line lost in the middle of a music number like in the show! Seeing everybody smile or be happily surprised at Inez's victory was absolutely wholesome!! 🤩


The best finale to any musical ever. All of the music to Hairspray was very good but You Can't Stop the Beat was the best ever.


4:39 you can see amber learning dance moves from the black guy she was staring at. 8:49 you can see amber in the black guys arms.


Did anyone see Amber at the end 8:49
On the left side glad she got her happy ending too😊


Reading these comments makes me so happy. This version of Hairspray is truly ICONIC. Hairspray Live! on NBC was good but just doesn’t compare to the 2007 masterpiece. I was 12 when I saw it in theaters. I remember taking the online personality quiz and I got Penny. I met Amanda Bynes shortly after the movie release too and she was such a sweetheart. Hairspray gave me so much hope and positive representation as a mixed kid in a predominantly white suburban town. My hometown is a lot more diverse now than it was back then and my heart is just so happy and full. I loved seeing the characters in the movie come together to fight for justice and integration, the interracial couple pairings, Tracy’s symbolic checkerboard dress, Link and Inez dancing, Corny embracing his show’s changes, Amber redeeming herself, and Velma getting fired. My favorite part was when Inez won the pageant. I learned the lyrics and dances surprisingly fast because the music is just THAT good. I remember wishing my school drama club had made this be the spring musical. But NOPE! Kids at school used to laugh at me for liking this movie and for dressing like the characters. But I recently healed my inner child and learned a Hairspray combination in my dance class. Besides the fact that this movie’s so bright and colorful, I just love the overall message and what it stands for. It doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, skinny, fat, or whatever. We all deserve love, equality, happiness, and to live in a world where we can be loved and dance freely.


Michelle Pfeiffer was phenomenal at playing a despicable person. She really makes Velma a wonderful character to watch


What a cast from Michelle, to Queen, to Amanda, to Travolta this cast is great.


Casting John Travolta as the mother is genius!


Why do Travolta and Walken have to much chemistry. I believe that couple had more chemistry than any of the other couples on this show


One of my favorite movie ending moments ever it’s fun to remember fave memories of dancing and singing to this ending song love it so fun but a bit exhausting I still occasionally sing and dance to it I love this ending is always timeless ! ❤🥰🤗🎶👏🏻


I was 16 when this movie came out and this was the first ever hollywood musical I had watched in my small Indian town - I couldn't speak English nor understand it but I understood the music and the mood - it was extremely inspiring - still is!
