FANTASTIC FOUR First Steps Official Trailer Breakdown | Easter Eggs Explained & Things You Missed

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FANTASTIC FOUR First Steps Official Trailer Breakdown | Easter Eggs Explained & Things You Missed. We breakdown, recap and react to the new Fantastic Four trailer released by Marvel and Disney. This covers the MCU origins, easter eggs, things you missed and our reaction.

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Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers show, I'm your host Paul and this video we're breaking down the trailer for Fantastic Four.


Packed with easter eggs, new characters and our first look at the first family, there's a lot to talk about in the video. Throughout this we'll be talking about the main comics that inspired it along with what stories we've heard theyre adapting.

It's february 4th which is an F and a 4 and though there's been trailers shown privately at events, this adds a lot in. That was put together really quickly and was mainly made up from costume tests, special effects reels and what theyd managed to film so far.

However we will also be going over what happened in that one if you havent seen it and this is kind of our mega breakdown about everything you need to know.

So come with us as we explain first steps first look and lets get into the trailer.


Now we begin with an hour long countdown which I rushed home for and the wife wasn't happy BUT after that we get into the trailer.

And by that I mean another live event.

BUT AFTER THAT we get into the trailer.

Beginning with a tour of the baxter building we watch Reed and Sue guiding someone about the house.

Its very akin to the hickman run in which theyd often give tours. This too featured in Civil War and its pretty much just the family showing the world who they are.

Theyre pretty much celebrities so its kind of like a 1960s reality tv thing. Shot in a 4:3 aspect ratio it also feels like a classic tv show.

Now the films obviously gonna have a very heavy 60s retro futuristic aesthetic.

The movies gonna be set in 1963 but I do feel like theyll be pulled into the modern day...or maybe across the multiverse.

However, If youve read the original run of the comics it all feels really inline with that. Its kind of like a Jetsons thing set in the past where they have really high tech things but also a sixties style to it.
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4:18 “Reed can stretch any part of his body… which Sue loves.”


I love the shot of Johnny over the earth not in human torch mode and you can see him clearly looking at something, I'm thinking he's either looking at The Silver Silver or more horrifyingly Galactus.


I think this trailer solidifies that Michael Giacchino is one of the best composers working in Hollywood right now. With this and his work on The Batman, I gotta say he just continues to pump out Banger after Banger especially for comic book properties. I'm not trying to undersell his other music like his work on "Up" or "Coco" but for the comic book genre I think he's just mastered the ability to craft the perfect music for the character/characters of the movie he's working on.


@2:17, I always thought this was a joke strange made because despite not knowing reed or the FF, he did know of a group called The Beatles from his world and they were called The Fab Four, (a little music trivia, from the guy whose whole character was set up in Dr Strange 1 with him doing music trivia while performing surgery, establishing his hubris. )


Best way to say it; This looks Fantastic.
Honestly blown away with how good The Thing looks. Makes me think the CGI used for Korg was basically a test for how good a dude made of rocks would look.


'Trailer drops' okay that's a pretty good trailer and 'refreshs yt',
YouTube: here's things you missed in the trailer


Danny DeVito as Mole Man would be PEAK


“Ben’s like a big rock dude”

Ben Grimm has left the chat…


Bro you’re the quickest as always hahhaa love this!


Doctor Strange's line about the Fantastic Four "charting in the 60's" is actually a layered reference. In 1961, Marvel released the first Fantastic Four comic and in 1965, the R&B Sweet James & The Fantastic Four band from Detroit first came out. Since Doctor Stange likes music so much that he can name a song and the year it came out from just a few seconds of hearing it, it's likely that when he heard the name "Fantastic Four" that he just assumed Reed was a part of the band. It's a really nice reference and one that Michael Waldron doesn't get enough credit for.


That "Fantastic Four popular in the 60s" in The Multiverse of Madness was fun reference to a soul music band from that time


You have no idea how badly I need to see Jeffrey Wright make his live action debut as Uatu.


Crazy how quick you are bro insane work


Doom has never been properly portrayed. He's always been shown as a petty and vindictive simpleton. They really need a Dr. Doom origin movie.


Ben Grimm looks like exactly like Jack Kirby drew him.


I think the "charted in the 60s" line from Strange was just an example of the overused "making fun of a superhero name" joke


This trailer brings me back to when I first read Fantastic Four 48, 49 & 50. I hope it's as good as it looks!


4:21 "....which Sue loves." you didn't think we would catch that....but we


I got chills from the trailer. I would like the Thing’s voice to more gravelly.