12,000-Year-Old Site in Turkey is OLDER than Gobekli Tepe! New Discoveries at Boncuklu Tarla

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The ancient site of Boncuklu Tarla in Mardin, Turkey is re-writing history, and experts are now sure it’s older than Gobekli Tepe.

Like many of the truly ancient sites in Turkey, this site was also buried beneath a mound and finds date from the Epipaleolithic period through to the Late pre-pottery Neolithic B.

Incredibly, nearly 30 houses, 6 public structures as well as skeletons of 130 individuals have been found. Reports says that more than 100,000 beads as well as a temple that is older than Gobekli Tepe have also been uncovered.

What sets this site apart from the other Tepe sites, which are generally located around the Harran plain to the west, is that it covers more phases of history – the late Epipalaeolithic, the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A and B, covering a real transitional phase of ancient history during and after the Younger Dryas.

Watch this video to learn about the news coming out of Boncuklu Tarla and how it continues to re-write history with every new discovery.

All images are taken from Google Images and the below sources for educational purposes only.


#AncientArchitects #GobekliTepe #BoncukluTarla
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fascinating! the time line keeps moving back the more this area is studied. the land between the tropic lines were free of ice for millenia, perfect for ancient civilization. this is an exciting time for archaeology! thanks for keeping us informed, Matt!


Makes me thinks of Professor Ahlberg and what he said about Bulgaria and how they went from the East to the West.
This site shows that we currently still don't have a clear understanding of the ancient civilizations who build these structures and where they came from.
Fascinating find Matt 🙂


I like Turkey more and more! Ancient Sites paradise? I'll find out in a week. Thanks for another great video


We live in dramatic times for ancient history, the picture is changing all the time. Fascinating stuff, thanks Matt!


10 years in the making and we've 30 houses and a handful of civic buildings unearthed. Due to the snail like tempo, rumours abound that many of the 130 skeletons found so far are in fact the remains of archeologists working the site. Lol!


This looks like a highly organised settlement and was designed that way rather than being the more common collection of haphazardly associated buildings more familiar to the time period. Hope that analysis tracks down who the were.


wow, another amazing find in Turkey, just how far back in history can they go in this area alone, it looks like a very well organised community and not some hunter gatherer meeting point, fascinating to find civilisation is much older than the common held belief, great update Matt . thanks for the vid


I'm absolutely mesmerized by all this discoverys in Turkey and the Levant!!! All your related videos are punching my brain desperately urgin it to know more!!!!


Fascinating to consider that they were shaping copper at this time. Very interesting video!


Another great video. The copper beads are a very significant find. Pushes back the accepted date for mankind first using copper in 8700 BC.


Human co-habitation goes back a lot further than just 12000 years, these are a microscopic view of civilization in the world at that time. most knowledge is based in 18th and 19th century techniques of interpreting archaeology. from the looks of it 12000 years ago there were some very sophisticated building, carving and pottery works, surely they didn't just pop into existence exactly 12000 years ago. Humans go Way Way Back before these pinpoint sites.


Interresting. Really.
Imagine that, with Gobekli Tepe, we are at the time of important violent climate changes due to the rapid melting of the big northern glaciers. At that time, the Atlantic Ocean was collecting a lot of water through the future Baltic sea, and went from -120m to some -55m. But, apparently, Mediterranean sea remained at a far lowest level for some hundreds/thousands of years... And its level rapidly increased, apparently, when the waters coming from the melting of northern glaciers goes through the Danube route, Black Sea, etc...
All this had enormous implications for human society's relations, development, "economy" etc. Maybe these very ancient cities were submitted to great difficulties indirectly due to all that.
This city MUST have been in contact with many others not so far from each other. One day walk, north, south, east and west?


Increasing finds lately. Becoming more numerous is fantastic. Thanks again good buddy


How much of this area has been scanned with Lidar … it seems like it would be a worthwhile exercise to have the area properly mapped, it would certainly help with pinpointing the most promising locations for further excavations.


Very important that these incontrovertible settlements keep appearing: impossible, soon, for a wholesale revision of human settlements not become inevitable, with beneficial reinterpretations of all early cultures - Egypt included! Keep it up, Matt: you're breaking down the barriers. Thank you.


the more we turn back in time, the more advanced the ancient peoples turn out to have been. really interesting.


Thanks Matt - you just keep on rolling. I went to Gobekle Tepe a few years back which was mind-blowing in itself but the organised civil society required to build it has not been evident. It looks like they are now finding the roots of that society.


It's just amazing that we get to learn more and more each year. New finds and technology are putting the modern human further and further back in time.


The finds just keep getting older! I'm excited for the future!


Looking forward to DNA results assuming they’re possible.
