The UNSC's OLDEST Ship || The Spirit of Fire || Halo Ship Breakdown

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She's lasted so long because she has one of the greatest military minds in the UNSC.


"There is nothing particular or cool about the spirit of fire"

Dude, its quite litterally a flying factory that is completely self-sustainable and can build anything its crew might need.

Its basically the unscs equivalent to ships like high charity, although that title would probably go to the odyssey to be more accurate since it was an actual flying city.


Infinity: *Get destroyed in 4 minutes*. Spirit of fire: *Destroy a banished dreadnought in 4 minutes*. Edit: Dang, got 2.3K likes, thank you guys


Ironic isn't it? Humanity's oldest ship survived and continues to fight for a long time while Humanity's greatest technologically advanced ship lasted in less than a decade and was destroyed in two minutes by the Banished


Can we appreciate how g.o.a.t.e.d. the Spirit of Fire is?

Cutter's crew pulled a Pillar of Autumn maneuver and took a blind shot in the dark vaccuum of space to an unknown Forerunner world and destroyed it before it could cause harm to humanity. His crew took down an Arbiter. They gained a trio of Spartan IIs and fought the Flood, *and survived.*

They also gave the Banished an uppercut to the chin when even the Infinity fell to their might.

This ship doesn't just outclass the Pillar of Autumn now. It outclasses the best ship the UNSC ever had.

Common Cutter W.


"Education Terminals for the children-" *Immediately plays footage of shooting a fatboy nuke at a bunch on children in a classroom*
I am freaking dying! 🤣
EDIT: Also, Phoenix-Class Colony Support Ships weren't only used for the sake of the colonisation of the outer colonies, but also the inner colonies, which the UNSC *did* have authority over.


I love how this old ship has a proud history that spearheaded the colonization of the stars, Brought to defend mankind and now may be the last hope against the Banished.

Compared to the hyped uped infinity this spirit of fire has humble beginnings and now legendary service.


I have this weird idea that the reason why the Infinity failed against the Banished where the Spirit of Fire somehow continuously manages to triumph was due to the experience and outlook of their respective complement of personnel. The people aboard the Infinity struck me as, a little green. Sure there's a lot of veterans there who fought in the war, but most probably only saw limited action or even no combat at all given that (correct me if I'm wrong) she was launched just after the Human Covenant war ended. So most likely most are on their first tour.

The Spirit of Fire on the other hand, was crewed by combat tested and hardened personnel. They were there for Harvest, Arcadia, and later on many other battles that were unknown to the greater UNSC but are just as important. They've been through hell and back and know what's at stake and how the game was played.

There may also be a case made on how the scale difference of the two ships cause the crew to behave differently. Infinity was the crown jewel, the biggest ship so it's easy for her crew to feel overconfident, safe and so sure that they can handle whatever's going to hit them.

The Spirit of Fire on the other hand was smaller than compared to tbe Infinity. She is as old as our grandmothers, a repurposed colony ship, and outdated despite the numerous modernization upgrades. I'm sure as hell that the crew handling her repair and maintenance just know that everything was on the edge of just breaking. The crew learned that they have to be cautious and to pick their fights.


The Spirit of Fire is probably my favorite Halo hero ship, and the OST is a big part of that. This is going to be a great video, I can tell.


That opening gave me cold chills. That was beautiful, man.


She was but a humble Colony Ship, giving life to planets so that Humanity can expand to the stars far beyond their reach. But now dark times calls for changes, in order for her to protect the life she created she was equipped with weapons to take life. From humble beginnings creates legends only she can tell.


Honestly the Pheonix class colony ship/Spirit of Fire's greatest and most awesome factor is that it is a self sufficient, manufacturing plant that's literally able to build almost anything.


Fun fact: You can actually create child soldiers or breed inside the Spirit Of Fire and during the time of that 20 years in the space travel it is quite literally possible to procreate and increase the menpower by breeding inside the ship and then training them into soldiers or engineers etc 💀


The Spirit of Fire, is the best example that more than the design of the ship, what makes it invincible is its veteran crew and its experienced captain. Had the UNSC Infinity been run by James Cutter and his crew, we all know that it would have lasted much longer than it ultimately would.


Hearing Cutter’s BEAUTIFUL speech from Halo Wars 2 with the song “Spirit of Fire” playing… oh my god yes. I didn’t know I needed this.


The Spirit of Fire is the only Halo ship I actually care for. Probably due to my long hours playing the OG Halo Wars.


I adore this ship so much. Honestly I think it's my favorite ship in all Halo lore haha
Halo Wars in general gives mad Battlestar Galactica vibes and the Spirit of Fire is just the ultimate expression of that. A microcosm of humanity's struggles while being immensely awesome in general! I do have a soft spot for carriers in sci-fi though, so I suppose it makes sense why the Infinity and Spirit of Fire tend to be my favs along with the epoch and punic class carriers


"This better have some of Spirit of Fire from HW1s opening in this."
Literally the first thing I hear; Spirit of Fire's piano chords.


Addit; UNSC cryopods work on most Earth-biology equivilent mammals. We've seen dogs be put in them before with no issues. Presumably, this is an intentional flexibility to allow colony ships to bring whole farms worth of livestock with them to their new homes so the colonists wouldnt have to live off MRE equivilents or processed food for ages while they got their own inferstructure built.
Most likely Spock was stuck in Cutters pod with him.


I haven't kept up with the Spirit of Fire's lore and I want to know, has the Spirit been recovered by the UNSC? I really want them to give the Spirit a 2nd refit that makes her even more badass.

I'm thinking the 2nd refit would be a near-complete overhaul that would include the addition of shields, upgrades to her armament, and improved automation.

If that won't happen, I want 343 to make a Spirit of Fire 2 much like there was a Pillar of Autumn 2. This new ship could be a modernized version of the Spirit that standardizes the upgrades both Serina and Isabel made to the original.

These two ideas would be a great way to reboot the Halo Wars series. If the Spirit was either refitted or replaced, I can see them using that as reasoning to make a new Halo Wars.


It's the only halo ship that is good that has survived so much
