Taking The Baby Home!!

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We Finally got to take Baby Tannerites Home!!!

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SO CUTE HIS Little face is so cute and Congratulations Branson and Mara


Congratulations Branson and Mara welcome home little Neymar it must feel great to out of the hospital and back home safe and sound


The bassinet Maras mom made is beautiful. She can keep it for the next babies. Beautiful baby.


I love Branson, Mara, and Neymar. Hi Branson, Mara, and Neymar. I love your guy's videos. Awesome video. You are worth it. You are my favorite YouTube. You are my favorite YouTube channel. You guys are the best YouTubers ever. You guys are my favorite YouTubers. I love your guy's YouTube channel. You guys are the best. Congratulations Branson and Mara. I should've said congratulations to you guys sooner when Neymar was born. Welcome home Neymar. It must feel great to be out of the hospital and back home safe and sound. Congratulations on having your first child. Enjoy Neymar while you can become he won't stay small and as a baby forever. I'm so happy for you guys. I remember when Branson was a teenager and now he is a dad and husband. I hope Mara is all healed and feeling well. I hope you two are getting as much sleep as you can. Neymar is absolutely cute and adorable. The bassinet Mara's mom made is beautiful. Mara can keep her mom's bassinet for her next babies. I wish I could see Neymar. I wish Neymar was a girl. I'm so happy Branson and Mara have a son. I hope Branson and Mara will have a girl soon when they have another baby soon. I wish you a speedy recovery Mara. Neymar is so handsome. You guys will be great parents. You guys are good parents. Neymar is a good son. Do a video about Neymar potty training soon. Do a video about Neymar going to the potty by himself soon. Do a video about Neymar being a teacher to his family next time. Do a video about Neymar being an artist next time. Do a video about Neymar being a baker next time. Do a video about Neymar baking cupcakes, cookies, brownies, and muffins for his family next time. I hope Branson and Mara will have another baby soon. I hope Branson and Mara will get Neymar a sister or brother soon. I hope Branson and Mara will get Neymar a sibling so he can have a sibling to play and hangout with. I hope Branson and Mara will have a daughter or another son soon. I hope Branson and Mara's baby will be a girl when they have another baby soon. I hope Branson and Mara will have three or four kids soon. I hope Mara gets pregnant again soon. Neymar would be a great big brother. I hope Branson and Mara will get Johnny and Sarah a granddaughter or another grandson soon. I hope Branson and Mara will get Allie, Andy, Daniell, Ty, Savannah, Lizzy, Az, and Canyon a niece or another nephew soon. Here are girl names suggestions Mara could pick to name her baby girl when she had another baby soon, if her next baby will be a girl: Mia, Violet, Juliana, Eleanor, Eve, April, Evelina, Sapphire, Skyla, Anessa, Reagan, Lauren, Hannah, and Amanda. The top five girls names that Mara should pick to name her baby girl when she has another baby, if her baby will be a girl: Mia, Violet, Evelina, Sapphire, and Reagan. Most of all Mara should pick the names Mia and Evelina to name her baby girl when she has another baby and if her next baby will be a girl. Mara should name her baby girl Mia most of all when she had another baby and if her next baby will be a girl. I know it's Mara's choice to choose what name to pick for her baby girl when she has another baby, if her next baby will be a girl, and I was giving girl name suggestions for Mara. Neymar should go to preschool now even though he is only 2 years old. 2 year olds can go to preschool. I hope the preschool teachers let Neymar go to preschool now even though he is only 2 years old. Neymar is so cute. Neymar is so adorable. Neymar is so smart. Neymar is so precious. Neymar is the cutest baby ever. Neymar is so sweet. Neymar is so funny. Neymar has the cutest little smile. Neymar has a cute laugh. Neymar's laugh is so cute. Neymar is the cutest. Neymar is the cutest little guy ever. Neymar is growing up so fast. I can't believe Neymar is 2 years old now. I wish Neymar can stay as a baby forever. But Neymar has to grow up. Neymar will be potty training. Neymar will be potty training soon. Neymar will learn how to use the potty by himself. Neymar will learn how to use the potty by himself soon. Neymar is already 2 years old. Neymar should go to preschool when he turns 4. Neymar should also go to preschool when he turns 3. Neymar should go to kindergarten when he turns 5. Neymar will go to kindergarten when he turns 5. Neymar should go to real preschool now even though he is only 2 years old now and if only the preschool teachers let Neymar go to preschool now. You guys should do a video about Neymar being a teacher to his family, and about Neymar baking cupcakes, muffins, cookies, and brownies. What's Lizzy's middle name? What's Lizzy's favorite color? Who's Savannah's favorite Disney princess other than Elsa? What's Savannah's favorite color between blue and purple? I thought Savannah's favorite color was orange and purple. Who knows me better vlog Lizzy vs Aspen from Savannah's YouTube channel, Savannah said her favorite color is now blue. I thought Savannah's favorite color was orange and purple. Maybe Savannah changed her mind and changed her favorite color to blue. Maybe Savannah changed her favorite color to blue. I think Savannah's most favorite color of all is blue. I think Savannah's favorite color is blue now. Does Savannah like hot pink?


I remeber when Brandson was just a teenager and now he is a dad


Congratulations on your baby hope you guys have a good life with your new baby God bless


Your baby is so cute congratulations guys videos and I love every single one of you❤❤❤😊😊🎉🎉


Congratulations on having your first child. Enjoy him while you can because he won’t stay small forever. He’s cute. I’m so happy for you guys and I want to tell you that you are worth it.
Can he please be in more of your videos?


Congratulations Branson Tanner And Mara. I wish I could see the baby in real life! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


thankyou so much for an up date on the new baby Im so happy seeing a baby is like getting a hug


The signature breeched legs 😍. We called my son our little tree frog. Hope you are all settled into parenthood. It's amazing, difficult, exhausting, rewarding and special time all at once. I hope Mara is all healed and feeling well and I hope you two are getting as much sleep as you can.


That bassinet is so awesome. What a darling little boy and such cute parents. 💕


Congratulations! 🎈🧸Welcome home baby Neymar! He is so cute & adorable! Wish you a speedy recovery Mara & wish you all the very best for you both & your little man! 🤍❤️‍🩹💙🍼 🥰


He's absolutely adorable! I'm so happy for you both! Still sending prayers to you and your mom. I hope she's recovering well. Enjoying this time with that little bundle of joy. The future comes so quickly and you'll find yourself wondering where all that time went. My baby girl turned 23 today. Her sister will turn 24 on August 5th. I can't exactly call them babies anymore but they have truly been what's kept me going all these years. Now, my baby girl has 2 little ones of her own. Children are blessings, I think anyway. Congrats to you both. He's so cute!


I turned 16!!!!3 days ago it’s crazy it feels like just yesterday I was 6 years old! now I’m 16 and can drive and I’m gonna be a sophomore in 1 month-my parents were right when they said time really does fly


He is so cute
My sister just turned 5 and it melts my heart that I can be reminded of her and see how good of parents you guys are


oh my goodness! I have missed ALOT. I totally forgot about you guys! Yall's baby is so cute! He looks like a baby doll! can't wait to see him grow up!


Liana jade, Branson and Mara, Matt and Abby had their first baby boy around the same time so cute xxx


He is adorable. Congrats, felicidades. He looks so much like Canyon.


Congratulations on the beautiful baby Boy!❤
