The Sonic Boom Problem: The Invisible Danger in Aviation
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00:00:00 The Sonic Boom - A Roar from the Heavens
00:00:48 A Basic Explanation
00:01:30 Sound Cones and Shock Waves
00:02:21 How We Experience a Sonic Boom
00:03:33 The Effects of Sonic Booms
00:04:32 A Shattering Experience
00:05:30 A Startling Disturbance
00:06:16 Can Sonic Booms Affect Our Health?
00:07:08 Current Solutions and Limitations
00:08:00 Innovations in Supersonic Travel
00:08:52 A Quieter Tomorrow - The Quest for Silent Supersonic Flight
00:00:48 A Basic Explanation
00:01:30 Sound Cones and Shock Waves
00:02:21 How We Experience a Sonic Boom
00:03:33 The Effects of Sonic Booms
00:04:32 A Shattering Experience
00:05:30 A Startling Disturbance
00:06:16 Can Sonic Booms Affect Our Health?
00:07:08 Current Solutions and Limitations
00:08:00 Innovations in Supersonic Travel
00:08:52 A Quieter Tomorrow - The Quest for Silent Supersonic Flight