The Insane Story of the Man Who Survived The Firing Squad

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Rasputin: they cannot kill me
El Fusilado: Aguanta mi tequila


El Fusilado is also the name of a song by Chumbawumba about the same guy.
It's really good I enjoy it immensely


That seems such a horrible way to go out, by a firing squad that doesn't even guarantee instant death.
Even more when you're a survivor and aren't left there just to die slowly, the process to getting rehabilitated should be just as painful.


it sounds like a comic book origin story but he did not became a super advanced cyborg.


As a Spanish myself I must say one of the funniest parts of the video is hearing poor Simon trying to say Spanish names, surnames and places and failing miserably, not a complaint at all I just had some heartfelt laughs 😈


Hello Fresh came and donated hundreds of boxes full of meals to the flood victims in Lismore, NSW, Australia so we ordered 2 boxes to support them.
Keep up the great work Whistler and Co.


Alternate title: Omega Chad revolutionary tanks multiple gunshots to the face, outlives his enemies and generally doesn’t give a fuck.


I watch Simon's older videos up to the newer ones to watch his beard grow.... don't tell me I'm the only one.


Might wanna fix the thumbnail. Someone forgot the word "squad". Hope the punishment fits the crime ;)


“Rasputin eat your heart out”
If he were alive today he’d take that literally, and survive


Let's get this man to 3 mil on this channel!!


Chumbawumba made a great song about El Fusilado.


Lived to see old age, wow, that's incredible


You said something to the effect of, the human body is fragile, but can also be extremely resilient. The resiliency, and I think, the bodies conditioned state to want to survive is pretty damn awesome. And, luck is always welcomed, with open arms, in these situations.


Cheers from the Pacific West Coast of Canada.


Would've been interesting if we had gotten to know a few more fact about his personal life like if he had a family etc. Edit: I found some info, look at the comments below if you're interested :)


Ah, hiding behind the script from the contents of the script in the thumbnail. Love it


"Stand me straight against the nearest wall, line up your bravest soldiers-oh, 10 good shots I'll take em all, they call me El Fusilado...."


Little known fact, Miguel Obregon is from the very same family whose descendent later produced the Systema Obregon pistol.


lol I actually pulled a Jack Daniel back in October, minus the infection thankfully. I hit my elbow on the door frame walking out of my house and I was in a bad mood, so I turned around and kicked the brick wall as hard as I could. And I tell you, I've had some nasty injuries in my time. 2nd degree burns, 4in knife wound, multiple catheters, dental abscesses and facial nerve damage/paralysis. But this hurt SO BAD. I was curled up on my front porch screaming and moaning in agony for about 20 minutes. I've never had pain actually incapacitate me like that except when I had a catheter removed roughly, I dropped in a similar manner but without the screaming and that time I was fine a minute later. This just kept going.

Eventually I was able to hobble my way to the car and go on to do the errands I set out to do. I knew my toe was broken but it was late and I didn't feel like bothering with the hospital. And it's a toe. What are they gonna do? Put a little cast on it? I dunno if you've ever broken something before, but I could just tell from the way the joint felt, something didn't feel right. But I just chalked it up to swelling, as it was too swollen to fit in my shoe.

Anyways I went to the hospital a few days later and by now I couldn't bend the last joint on my toe at all. But the doctor there doesn't seem to care. He's only worried about the first joint. And goes on to tell me yeah I broke it but what are you gonna do? It's a toe? So I went on my merry way. But I couldn't help but think about Jack Daniel kicking the safe.

Fast forward to present day, about 5 months after the fact and it doesn't hurt anymore. But it won't bend anymore either. I must have "popped" a tendon or something when I hurt it or something. Even if I grab it with my hands and try to bend it, it's no more possible than it would be for you to grab your finger and bend it sideways. Sure you could do it. But you wouldn't have a very good time. It's slowly loosening up over time though. And it at least stopped hurting after 3 months or so. The really funny thing though is since I broke this toe, I've also broken 3 other toes stubbing them on various things really hard. I don't think my little piggies will be going to the market much longer. lol.
