#JannikSinner avvistato in occasione di un fitting da #Gucci durante la #MilanoFashionWeek
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Quando a Milano è tempo di settimana della moda, il mondo del fashion non risparmia nessuno. Attori, cantanti e sportivi, oltre ai canonici modelli, vengono infatti assorbiti dal turbinio incessante di una città che corre, da un evento all’altro, una sfilata dopo l’altra. Uomo di punta del momento dello sport italiano, anche Jannik Sinner è arrivato nel capoluogo meneghino dove, nella giornata di oggi, è stato avvistato mentre usciva da Palazzo Parigi prima della sfilata di Gucci. Global Ambassador del brand, il tennista azzurro - attualmente ancora al numero 1 del ranking ATP - ha colto l’occasione per fermarsi a fare qualche foto con i fan accorsi per salutarlo fuori dall’hotel.
When it’s fashion week time in Milan, the fashion world does not spare anyone. Actors, singers and athletes, as well as the canonical models, are in fact absorbed by the incessant whirlwind of a city that runs from one event to another, one runaway after another. The Italian sport’s man of the moment, Jannik Sinner also arrived in Milan where, today, he was spotted leaving Palazzo Parigi before the Gucci fashion show. Global Ambassador of the brand, the tennis player - currently still at number 1 in the ATP ranking - took the opportunity to stop and take some photos with the fans who came to greet him outside the hotel.
#whoopsee #sinner #mfw #janniksinner
When it’s fashion week time in Milan, the fashion world does not spare anyone. Actors, singers and athletes, as well as the canonical models, are in fact absorbed by the incessant whirlwind of a city that runs from one event to another, one runaway after another. The Italian sport’s man of the moment, Jannik Sinner also arrived in Milan where, today, he was spotted leaving Palazzo Parigi before the Gucci fashion show. Global Ambassador of the brand, the tennis player - currently still at number 1 in the ATP ranking - took the opportunity to stop and take some photos with the fans who came to greet him outside the hotel.
#whoopsee #sinner #mfw #janniksinner