ESO ADDONS - TOP Everyday Addons for the Elder Scrolls Online

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Hello everyone and welcome to my Top everyday Addons Video for the Elder Scolls Online (ESO). Subscribe, like and comment if you found this Video helpful, thanks:) Check out the description for more Information.

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How to Install Addons in the Elder Scrolls Online:

0:00 Introduction

0:40 Advanced Filters by Randactyl, ingeniousclown

1:07 AwesomeGuildStore by sirinsidiator

1:35 AI Research grid by Ayantir, CrazyDutchGuy, hisdad, Stormknight

2:24 CookeryWiz by kanderon

3:27 Crafted Potions by Avantir

3:56 Destinations by SnowmanDK, Ayantir, Fyrakin

4:24 DressingRoom by dividee

DressingRoom Update 13 Ability Fixup Tool by code65536

5:20 Dolgubon`s Lazy Writ Crafter by Dolgubon

6:20 Furniture Catalogue by manavortex

7:03 FurniturePreview by Shinni

7:76 GroupLootNotifier by Hoft

8:04 Harven`s Trait and Style by Harven, merlight

8:27 HarvestMap by Shinni

8:54 Itemization Browser by code65536

9:34 Lui Extended by ArtOfShred, Upularity

10:13 Lootdrop, Continued by Ayantir, Pawkette

10:41 Lorebooks by Garkin, Ayantir

11:11 Lost Treasure by CrazyDutchGuy

11:48 Master Merchant by Philgo68

12:56 Multicraft by DonutEnigma, Ayantir

13:34 Potion Maker by facit, Khrill, votan

13:59 Research Assistant by katkat42, ingeniousclown, Randactyl

14:24 Skyshards by Garkin, Ayantir

15:00 TiEmote Extended by Khrill

15:26 No, thank you! by Garkin, Ayantir

16:03 Wykked Toolbar by Ravalox, Calia1120

16:33 Wykked Enhanced HUD by Ravalox, Calia1120

Game: The Elder Scrolls Online
Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game
Author: Tianlein
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Thanks, great vid. As this is so helpful I thought i would add a few more addons which people may find useful. A list in no particular order:
Assist Rapid Riding - automatically adds rapid maneuver to your bar, then takes it off again. Amazing not just for pvp
Auto Recharge - automatcially charges weapons and armour
Crafting Tracker - adds a window to track all of your legendary crafing mats
Inventory Grid View - Turn all your inventories into grid views. Can bind a key which will switch back and forth from list to grid
Roomba - Guild bank stacker, bind to a key and stack all items in your guildbanks with one click
Simple Group Leave - slash gl to leave any group - amazing addon
Votans Keybinder - Adds checkboxes to keybind dialog for user account wide shared keybindings - another amazing litle addon.

Most of these are low download count, not sure why, so a beat off the beaten track. Hope this helps someone.



Thanks for the helpful video! I ended up getting nearly all of these and after setting them all up it is a much-needed quality of life boost! :)


Thanks for this! I think this might be one of the best, and current, add-on reviews from an everyday user standpoint! You even covered a few I hadn't even come across yet, that seem really handy, like the color-coding of potions.


I use many of the same addons, but you still managed to find some more that I never knew existed. Thanks for the video. :)


Great video. Been playing for about 2 weeks and knew before I started playing that the default UI wasn't something I wanted to use.

Thanks for the video and look forward to watching more of your videos


Awesome! Thank you so much Tianlein, this was so useful for me and answered a number of questions I had about some of the adds I use and will now install. Best wishes from Chill and Brewery sisters.


AMAZING VID. I recently got my gf into eso and recommended her to get addons and I'm terrible at explaning this stuff so ill send her this.
A few I like to use
-wykkyd Toolbar which adds this single line of useful information which i placed at the very top above the compass. it tells you the IRL time, location, level/cp, % remaining to next level or % gaining so far, gold, inventory slots, soul gems & some other stuff which i have disabled like telvar and AP (and i think a few more).
-Roomba is good if you wanna stack items in your guild store. though fair warning it last i checked it doesnt work with eso plus. might be wrong, but very very handy addon.
-Questmap for when making alts it marks all quests that reward skill points.
-Item saver some think its redundant with the new(now old) locking feature; but its really handy as it can be used to add icons with diffrent colors and stufff near the item icon usefull for say making all writ potions and food/drinks sthat you keep pre crafted in your bank and stuff. or marking sets to find easier (it also stops decon, mailing & selling all with toggles if you want).
-inventory insight to be able to see what your alt chars have, great if you have mules or if you wanna pass gear to another char but not sure who has it.
-BugEater for any annoying lua errors.
-Action duration reminder, which is my fav buff/dot tracker as its very intuitive. (And i need intuitive with my dk's like 7-8 dots/buffs to keep up hahaha)
Also like to mention that the addon at 14:00 is now redundant as they now have those icons in game. Though if that now does other stuff too, maybe theres still a reason to use it.


Perfect, thanks a lot for putting this together.


perfect as always, thanks Tianlein ^^!


Ty Tianlein . You make my day even more happy!!


Very good list of add-ons thanks for that. Also probably the thickest German accent I heard in a while, but your voice makes it kind of cute :)


That is a very nicely done video, I'm subscribing to you immediately! Also, where is that accent coming from (or where are you from)?


you have the most cute accent I've ever heard, I love it. I also absolutely love the list of addons, as a still kinda new into ESO this helped me a lot to get settled in a little bit more, thank you a lot !


Very helpful and interesting video. I'm a bit curious: how long have you been playing? Your knowledge of this game is absolutely astounding!


This video is edited so good thank you so much<33
(i love your voice you sound like a nord)


all the addons work on a mac, I just loaded them all thank you very much :))


I love your accent! I love your video. Very informative and useful. +1 Sub


Thank you for the video, the cooking add on has saved me a lot of time.


waouh ! I'm starting ESO and it will be very helpful !
Thanks !


Great video and very helpfull. Keep up the good work
