Yalova Walking Tour 4K UHD 50fps | Yalova city center walk 2023

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October 2023 Walking around Yalova city center, from central mosque to coastal walk path through out shopping stores, coffy shops and attraction points.
Yalova is a market-gardening town located in northwestern Turkey on the eastern coast of the Sea of Marmara. Population is 133,109 (2022). A largely modern town, it is best known for the spa resort at nearby Termal, a popular summer retreat for residents of Istanbul. Regular ferries connect Yalova with Istanbul via the Sea of Marmara, operated by ido lines. The name Yalova is assumed to be a contraction of Yalıova. Yalı means 'house at the coast' and ova means 'plain' in Turkish.
Filmed on: Oct, 2023 (Fri. 13-00 pm)
Temperature: 25°F 77°C
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*** This Video Vlog is made to show the city and the environment, if you are seen in the video and you don't want that, please contact us by comments down below, you will be removed or censored asap.
Yalova is best known for the hot springs in the Termal district, which gets its name from the Greek word thermae (θερμαί) 'warm'. There appears to have been some sort of spa resort here since Byzantine times and the 17th-century travel writer Evliya Çelebi reported the existence of the Kurşunlu Banyo (Leaded Bath) at the time of his visit. The resort was expanded during the reign of Sultan Abdülhamid II and again during Atatürk's day.
Also in Termal is the Atatürk Arboretum which is said to contain 1800 different species of plant. It was commissioned by Atatürk in 1929 and was the first arboretum in the country. A summer-house used by Atatürk is also open to the public in the grounds.
Tags :
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Yalova is a market-gardening town located in northwestern Turkey on the eastern coast of the Sea of Marmara. Population is 133,109 (2022). A largely modern town, it is best known for the spa resort at nearby Termal, a popular summer retreat for residents of Istanbul. Regular ferries connect Yalova with Istanbul via the Sea of Marmara, operated by ido lines. The name Yalova is assumed to be a contraction of Yalıova. Yalı means 'house at the coast' and ova means 'plain' in Turkish.
Filmed on: Oct, 2023 (Fri. 13-00 pm)
Temperature: 25°F 77°C
#citywalk #yalova #yalovaseninlegüzel #walkingtour #turkey #tourisme #walkingtour2023 #virtualtour #walk4k #4kwalking #4kwalk #4k #turkeyvlog #turkey2023 #streetfoods #summer2023 #travelturkey #citywalks #citywalking #citywalk4k #streetview #streetwalk #streetfashionstyle #streetwalking #streetwalker
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*** This Video Vlog is made to show the city and the environment, if you are seen in the video and you don't want that, please contact us by comments down below, you will be removed or censored asap.
Yalova is best known for the hot springs in the Termal district, which gets its name from the Greek word thermae (θερμαί) 'warm'. There appears to have been some sort of spa resort here since Byzantine times and the 17th-century travel writer Evliya Çelebi reported the existence of the Kurşunlu Banyo (Leaded Bath) at the time of his visit. The resort was expanded during the reign of Sultan Abdülhamid II and again during Atatürk's day.
Also in Termal is the Atatürk Arboretum which is said to contain 1800 different species of plant. It was commissioned by Atatürk in 1929 and was the first arboretum in the country. A summer-house used by Atatürk is also open to the public in the grounds.
Tags :
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