Helping Formerly Incarcerated People Apply for Occupational Licensure

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Nearly 1 in 3 California adults has a criminal record, which can result in hundreds of collateral consequences, specifically on employment. Access to stable employment is a significant factor to reducing recidivism. However, nearly 30 percent of CA jobs require licensure, certification, or clearance by an oversight board or agency for approximately 1,773 different occupations. People with criminal records face barriers to licensure, certification, or clearance. This webinar is for attorneys who are working with people who are applying for occupational licenses. The panelists will cover AB 2138 and representing someone through the licensure process generally.

Vinuta Naik, Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto
CT Turney-Lewis, A New Way of Life Reentry Project
Felicia Espinosa, Root & Rebound
Rita Himes, Legal Services for Prisoners withChildren

MCLE: 1.5 hours General

This training is produced by the Legal Aid Association of California (LAAC). LAAC produces trainings designed for civil legal aid and pro bono attorneys throughout the state, bringing the experts directly to the advocates helping low-income Californians. Technology permitting, all trainings are recorded and archived for later on-demand viewing by advocates.
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