The power of the mind - Interview with Bruce Lipton

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Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. recalls his career and how he discovered epigenetics.
He explains how our beliefs, our mind, and especially our subconscious can influence our genes.
He teaches us how we can learn to reprogram our subconscious, and take back the control of our life.

Dutch subtitles: Jan-Willem van Aalst

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These documentaries serves as food for my soul.


I am so thankful we have great minds like Dr Bruce Lipton and Anthony Chene sharing such invaluable knowledge with us. These productions are PRICELESS.


This is the kind of scientists we need


"He teaches us how we can learn to reprogram our subconscious, and take back the control of our life." ~ Yes!!!! I just completed my certification as a professional Hypnotherapist and this is a big part of what I want to help people with ~ clear the -ve emotions, increase your immunity etc... !!


I truly love this Channel, Bruce Lipton, is absolutely fascinating and makes me look at the world from a better place, Anthony Chene Documentaries and his 116, 000 Subscribers could just be the beginning of what we need to change the World!


I had a lot of resistance to listening to this, but I overcame that program and I am glad I did. ❤️


So excited!!! Sending a lot of gratitude for your work and message from Romania! Thank you!


This is such an important lecture! There are so many people these days that turn their lives over to others because they don't believe they are responsible for whatever happens in their life. I think my biggest leap into maturity was when I realized I am no one's victim. It was like a huge awakening for me and totally freed me. I realized that I was living someone else's program for me. I was an orphan until I was 6 years old. I had multiple caretakers until I was adopted. So, I spent the first 40 years of my life thinking I wasn't good enough. It wasn't until I read James Redfield's book, "The Celesting Prophecy" and really connected with the chapters on "control dramas" which we acquire in childhood and use in our lives as adults until we recognize those old control dramas don't work for us and once aware of it, we change it. My control drama was the "poor me' and once I realized it, I never felt that way again. I became responsible for my life and what I wanted to have in it. I felt empowered! Life has been wonderful since then, for many, many years.


Bruce Lipton, you are a blessing to the world.


Prof. Lipton in conclusion is in essence saying : We are not humans with consciousness. We are consciousness with human experience. Consciousness, or field or spirit as Bruce named it, is what manifests our universe. We can manifest our reality in whatever way by changing our subconscious programming and conditioning.


"The thinking mind must constantly be stirred by new experience and by adaptation to new experience and new understanding in order to be vital and capable of learning. It is like stirring concrete. If you do not keep stirring it and adding water and new things to it, it hardens. And once it hardens, it can only be broken. People who are learning and living The Way of Knowledge are constantly being renewed and refreshed because they are close to life, and they are close to Knowledge. Their thoughts change, grow and evolve. Their ideas change, grow and evolve. Their conclusions change, grow and evolve. They can do this because there is something greater. There is Knowledge, the dynamic force of life within you, within the world and within the Greater Community as well. Knowledge brings you to the edge of life where you have to learn and adapt, communicate and contribute. This keeps you young, alive and close to the heart of life. Your mind, then, becomes constantly relevant to the present and is able to prepare for the future."

A quote from the beautiful free online book by Marshall Vian Summers, entitled *Living the Way of Knowledge*


“New science is going to return us to ancient wisdom.” I love this quote, and what an incredible eye opening interview. I loved the information on conscious parenting. All parents should be informed of this. The example given of how the partner should let each other know if they are going back to their ‘programming’. How many couples fight because they take it personally when their partner calls them out on a parenting style, or gets defensive? How perfect that this happened to me this morning, and I was able to listen to what my husband said and reflect. But my first instinct was to explain myself and get defensive. I saw after how he made me see it differently. Thank you for shining light on this, how helpful it is. Our son is 6, still in theta, so I really appreciate this insight. Not only parents, but anyone can benefit from watching this video.
I also really appreciate the honeymoon phase analogy!! This will definitely stay with me!! Many thanks 🙏🏻


I am revisiting this video and am glad I am. This is an important interview.


Holy crap, my Dad was a grad student at UW Madison 67-70. He and Mom farmed us kids out to the Med Center to participate as test subjects. I spent so much time at the Center I probably watched you walk by...small world


Bruce is continually brilliant and should get the Noble prize for his work in Epigenetics.


God bless you, Anthony ✨ your work! These seeds you plant with each frame! WOW!!!


We are powerful beings!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS ! So clearly and eloquently articulated, everything is connected. Thank you💖


Mr. Bruce you are so amazing you make everything look so easy to change, we can change our lives and live the way we want it, just by reprogramming our subconscious mind to the way we want to live our lives. Repetition, keep repeating to your self whatever you want in your life and you will manifest it. Believe me I have done it so many times and it works. Just say thank you Jesus or the universe or God for letting me find my best love now, just keep repeating it over and over again.


Thank you for sharing this video. Most people are locked into believing we are all separate, existing only as limited physical, chemical bodies.
Bruce did a great job of explaining how we need to move beyond a reality of limiting belief systems, egos illusions and into a new form of quantum-based information, expression, energy and experience. I hope more people can learn and experience how consciousness is interwoven into everything, excludes nothing and exists forever without any limits or boundaries.
I am grateful for Anthony Chene sharing these amazing and enlightening videos. I find them extremely valuable. Bravo Anthony and Bruce! Please keep doing what your doing.


Thank you Anthony. Be blessed in this work that you do. It has changed my life. Sending love from Zimbabwe.
