$100 vs $3000 YouTube Setup - BROKE vs PRO

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I went head-to-head with camera expert @geraldundone to see who could build the best YouTuber setup at Micro Center. While Gerald opted for high-end gear like a Sony FX30 and professional lighting, I challenged myself to create a functional setup for under $100.

Chapter Titles:
0:00 Shopping
8:16 Build
14:19 Reveal
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Honestly I would prefer a video where you swap roles where Gerald Undone does the budget stuff to see how much knowledge is able help you get good budget stuff that might be able to somewhat compete with the expensive stuff./lh


its hilarious to see the "pro" streaming setup with all these features and lights but then like you go look at the top streamers and its all like barely lit dudes with the blurriest cameras ever made.


To be honest I think that the $40 Mic that Austin used in that budget set up was as good as the high end one, and really the lighting was fine, but that cam could have been swapped for like a Logitech pro 920 and it would have made a world of difference. I mean that would have pushed the budget to like 150 instead of 100, but it would have been just as serviceable as the 3000 dollar setup


Yet another way to sneak in a Micro Center commercial. How many times can we do this Austin🎉


I think it's a perfect illustration as to why going cheap isn't a good idea when you can go REAL cheap. Sure, the iPhone 15 Pro is overkill, but realistically, any smartphone made in the last 10 years will give you a better picture than a cheap webcam and it's really easy to use one in OBS. You can get lights, but really, if you're in a decently lit room, just use the normal lights, even better if you have a window close, natural lights will look better than cheap ring lights if you don't know how to use them. A dedicated microphone is nice, but you can use the one on your old pair of ear buds, it won't sound bad, they were made to make your voice clear, and if we're talking about USB and 3.5mm microphone, there isn't much difference between a decent $20 one and the $60 one made by HyperX, Razer, Blue, etc. It just doesn't make sense to spend money if you're going with the cheapest option, it's better to use what you already have and if everything is going right, buy at least a mid-range setup later.


Austin honestly looks like a kid next to Gerald.


Man microcenter really paying every youtuber out here to make content in their new store 😂😂


The mic sounds good. The webcam is crap (broke setup). 🤣 Great video. Regards from Germany!


Been waiting for long time to see these challenge videos, austin keep doing challenges bro 😅


The problem with the Broke vs Pro format is that it only shows the extremes. What about if the "broke" budget was doubled (or even tripled) or there was an "average" tier and mixing and matching, so you can see where it is worth spending a little extra.


I have the HyperX Solocast too, love it for the price! For just gaming and Discord with my friends, I don't need anything more.


Swap out the garbage webcam for your cellphone and you’ll have a HUGE improvement… haha just finished writing this comment right as Gerald mentioned using your phone as a webcam.

I consulted on a ton of budget friendly livestream setups during the lockdowns to help people build their businesses doing online courses. People were amazed at what they could do with the tech they already owned in their home and knowledge of how to use it better along with OBS.


15:18 what a crazy difference in image quality between austins cheap webcam and the studio camera they use to record the whole thing


Should have just used a budget phone for the cheap one. If you can afford a pc you most likely have a phone that has a better camera.


For $100 that is shockingly good especially in a completely dark room.


Austin really thinks his 2MP webcam is almost the same as Geralds 1700$ camera 😂


I'm sorry, but this video was extremely bland and uninteresting to me.


I feel like this would have been a different video were as Austin gets the high end setup and Gerald undone would do the broke version of the setup but hey if he makes that video then I would love to know what setup is for on the affordable range


in my opinion i think that the $40 mic sounded better that=n the more expensive one


What is the point of this video? Of course a 3k$ setup is going to look better than a 100$ one. What really irks me is that you didn't even TRY to make the 100$ setup look good. To give you two examples, through OBS you can perform basic color correction (and even more advanced one with plugins), and there are also plugins that help you fix lens distortion. It's not going to look amazing by any stretch of imagination, but at the very least it would look slightly more presentable.

In the end, this video would have been much better if both had more sensible budgets, but as it is, is a waste of time and just an ad for Micro Center.
