Why DM Dokuro Was Chased Out Of This Terraria Community

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Why the hell is this a pattern within so many communities? Every time somebody is taking time out of their lives to make something for other people to enjoy, they always think that the best thing to do is to send death threats, as if that’s going to make anything better. I swear we live in a society filled with idiotic crybabies, and it sucks whenever they ruin something perfectly good with their tantrums. This is why we can’t have nice things.


While I'm not familiar with his music, it's really too bad that this happened, and it probably will happen again to others.


Wanna know whats even crazier? They did this AGAIN with a composer called Turqoiuse (his name is now Ennway) who made a calamity mod extra music mod with the purpose of adding soundtracks to vanilla content. They did the same to him, but now 3 years later he still makes terraria music. Hes working on a terraria mod soundtrack right now actually! Its called wayfair if u wanna check it out.


I wasn't around when DM Dokuro situation was happening, still, the impact this community did to him was really unforgivable. Sad that we lost such a talented person.
btw thanks for including my footage :p


He didn't abandon the community, he walked away from a toxic group who wasn't doing anything for him other than putting up barriers. Mad respect for the guy for not putting up with it


Just want to clarify that calamity is a mod, not a modpack, for anyone confused
A modpack is a collection of mods, calamity is one mod


His last song for calamity was 'Toxic Wisdom' the theme of the Old Duke, it kind of summarizes his feelings pretty well, its a very different song from the rest of calamity, but very good at the same time.


Man i cant believe people can be so dumb to neglect someone elses well being like this to the point to threaten someone

Edit: (what I'm trying to say is live your lifes and let other people live theirs)


At this point, you'd think people would realize that death threats don't get you what you want. Imagine if your boss at whatever job you had constantly demanded you do other projects while you're already working on one. Then threatened to kill you when you couldn't complete all their demands in the short window of time they gave you.


What makes me sad is that his new songs, despite being equally good if not better don’t get nearly as much attention. Prob one of my favorite composers oat


„Ah yes, let me threaten someone to make more things that I like, that totally hasn’t had bad consequences ever”


When I’m in a being toxic and disgusting competition and my opponent is an indie game community:


As someone in the terraria comunity we are not all like this those people are not us WE DO NOT SUPPORT THOSE PEOPLE


DM Dokuro is a legend and deserves none of his hate, when I first saw his comments were off, i was worried about if he got into... you know, typical youtuber drama. Turned out it was the fans that were being insane. Hope he is doing okay, he hasn't abandoned Calamity, but this whole thing has slowed progress on it immensely.

Edit: He has properly stepped away. I was wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if he returned after a major update.

Edit 2: Listen, I'm glad he's stepped away because the community treated him like shit and he does deserve better, but Calamity would just be another mod without his breath taking music. I say his leaving is unfortunate because he is one of the major reasons Calamity was as good as it is. He deserves to be treated better, and if that means never doing Calamity again, then good for him, more power to him. The only unfortunate thing here is the loss of his works will only make future Calamity updates lesser. I listen to his Calamity OST on a weekly basis, I miss his contribution, but I'm not upset he is moving on, I'm upset that the situation demanded it be done, due to the civil unrest of the fan base.


He cooked so hard that he got burnt in the process


The saddest part is that i saw all of this going down in real time :(


He seems like a great guy, it's sad that his own fans tore him down 😢


Same thing happened to a Youtuber named Dani who posted dev logs, and funny development challenges. When he started a project called ‘KARLSON’ every post people asked him when karlson was getting released, and chased him off of YouTube.


The calamity mod is the single most iconic mod in Terraria and it has some banger soundtracks, its really stupid how people pushed him to abandon the project.


I used to listen to his stuff all the time before I even discovered calamity. When I found out what happened, I was honestly pretty heartbroken. He was one of my favorite composers, and seeing his colossal personality shift caused by calamity exclusively, it... Jarring isn't even good enough to describe it.
