Why A Link Between Worlds Is The Most Underrated Zelda Game

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Zelda is an incredible franchise with amazing games, and A Link Between Worlds is one of the most underrated and overshadowed games they have ever made, here's why.

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0:00 - Intro
0:29 - Mechanics and puzzles
2:57 - A Link Between Worlds open world
4:28 - The games story
6:28 - The item system
7:22 - The overworld and collectibles
10:10 - Dungeons & Bosses
16:43 - The music
18:41 - Conclusion & Outro

a link between worlds retrospective
a link between worlds is the best zelda game
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I've always loved a link between worlds I wish more people talked about it


So glad you made this. This is probably my favorite game of all time and it tends to get overlooked in the grand scheme of Zelda. It's a perfect game, and the only thing it lacks is the cinematics and voice acting and like a bigger screen to play on.


Great video! This is one of those Zelda games I go back to quite a bit 👌🏽


There's no Zelda game I've beaten half as many times as Link Between Worlds. Such a great game, so many well done dungeons and the overworld design is incredible. Also, one of the few Zelda games that is really fun to 100%.


Underrated channel talking about an underrated Zelda game! Definitely subbing!


Link Between Worlds is genuinely just so good. It DWARFS its predecessor (Link to the Past).


my favourite 2d zelda game. criminally underrated. I’ve played a links awakening remake too, and it’s very good, but nothing can beat a links between worlds for me <3. Everything just fits perfectly. I hope it gets at least a remaster for the switch or switch 2 🙏🏻


While Breath of the Wild quickly became my favorite Zelda Game, taking Ocarina of Time's place for me, A Link Between Worlds is easily my favorite after those two. It is a GREAT game!


It is an underrated gem, i put albw in my top 5, in front of totk or botw. It has traditional zelda story, temples and also the freedom to choose the order you play it, to me all the next zelda games should be this way.


ALBW is my 3rd favorite Zelda game of all time behind OOT and BOTW. I like it better than the prequel bc it just adds so much more. I am really hoping they put this on the Switch 2’s NSO along with Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. Then we would have access to all the single player Zelda games on that system since it is backwards compatible with Switch games and I would also imagine we would get the DS Zelda games on Switch 2 since they were on Wii U.


i always thought it was one of the most underrated zelda games as well. i wish more 2d zelda games got a remaster like this


Haven’t seen this yet but since my favorite Zelda is a link between worlds I already love it


Without having watched yet.

ALBW is the Zelda game I always point out as a nice middle ground between Botw and classic Zelda games. Once your in the dark world the game is open, you can do them in any order while the dungeons themselves are still linear challenges.

We can have an open world where dungeons can be done in any order, and we can have linear classic style dungeons. I don’t get why that conversation seems to end as one or the other.


Zelda 2 is the most underrated and unhealthily hated.


Why does advocating for a great but underrated Zelda game require bashing a great and highly rated Zelda game?


2D zelda reigns supreme if you ask me. Don’t get me wrong, I still adore MM especially, and then TP and OOT. But LBW and especially the Link’s Awakening remake are absolute PERFECTION


I've always been more of a 2d zelda guy just because growing up link's awakening dx was my first zelda game that I actually plsyed all the way through followed by oracle of seasons and the Link to the past remake for GBA. I never had an N64 or GameCube and have always been more of a handheld gamer.
Recently my cousin gave me his old 2ds and I played and beat link between worlds for the first time. I was kind of skeptical at first about the item rental system. It didn't really make sense to me as to why they would do that and it felt like it would take away from the dungeons. What would be the point of exploring the dungeons if you wouldn't find a new cool tool or weapon in it? I thought that the treasure chests would only be rupees and keys. I was having fun but it bothered me a lot. It just seemed like something was missing at first. HOWEVER, I quickly learned that each dungeon DID contain a treasure hidden in it some that were optional and some that were needed to open up accessibility to the other dungeons. Like the blue and red tunic, the ores to upgrade your sword etc. It's just that the main items were obtained through rental. But then you could not only purchase them but each one could be upgraded through the maimais. EVER SINGLE ITEM! It was so cool! The dungeons really were a ton of fun and the puzzles in them were so much fun. The game quickly surpassed my expectations and cemented it's spot for my all time favorite zelda game. Me mix of old and modern worked really well like it did in minish cap. The only way LBW could be dethroned as my favorite would be if oracle of seasons and ages got a remake.


this is a wonderful game. minus the impossible baseball minigame which i never once beaten. not worth the stress for all hearts. but its such fun to progress through all the dungeons. get the swords, etc


The most underrated Zelda game is Triforce Heroes imo. Not all of its content is good, but most of it is and it has a giant mass of content(especially because single player and multiplayer play fundamentally diffrent, to the point where it basically doubles the things to do).


ALBW was the first zelda game I ever owned and beat, and it is still in my top 5 Zelda games. Not even for nostalgia but because of everything you outlined in this video. My biggest disappointment with botw was the lack of dungeon crawling that has been a series staple since the first title. if the developers could somehow translate the dungeon progression from this game into a botw style zelda game, it would literally be my ideal zelda experience. ToTK gets a step closer to that for me, but it's still not all the way there. I want my open world to be full of cool dungeons with dungeon items again
