Conditional Dismissals: A Former DA Explains How To Get Your Case Dismissed (2021)

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Criminal Defense: Have you been arrested and charged with a crime in Texas? It is important for you to stay out of jail and formulate a plan to get your criminal case expunged from your record. Learn the in's and out's of how you may be able to use a conditional dismissal to get your criminal case dismissed and eligible to clear off your record. Don't let the Government take advantage of you! Is your criminal case the type of case that may be eligible for a conditional dismissal? This video answers all your questions!
A Conditional Dismissal to Have His Case Dismissed.
In a previous video, I spoke about how you can sometimes get a criminal case dismissed by either arguing the facts of the case for a dismissal or taking advantage of a diversion program to get your case dismissed.
I recently had a client that was concerned because his facts of the case were not favorable for him and he could not qualify or get into a Tarrant County Diversion Program, could he still get his case dismissed? It is possible. In this client’s case, we were able to work with prosecutors to get his case dismissed if he was willing to do some conditions upfront. For instance, we have had several first-time theft cases and first-time drug cases dismissed by have the clients complete a theft class and community service or by completing a drug class and clean drug tests.
The best part about a conditional dismissal is that once the case is dismissed, you are still eligible for an expunction to have your criminal arrest record completely cleared so that you can deny it ever happened.
The Hampton Law Firm is a full-service Criminal Defense Law Firm located in Fort Worth, Texas, that provides personalized care to every criminal client. Whether you are facing a minor misdemeanor crime or a serious felony crime, The Hampton Law Firm has a team of 4 former prosecutors with over 60 years of experience ready to assist you. Our goal is for you to stay out of jail and be able to clear this matter from your criminal record.
We are willing to assist you with any questions or issues you have regarding your search for a criminal lawyer.
00:00 Conditional Dismissals: A Former DA Explains How To Get Your Case Dismissed
01:58 What is a “Conditional Dismissal?”
02:50 What are the benefits of Conditional Dismissal?
03:40 Conditional Dismissal is eligible for an expunction!
03:55 How can we help you?