The Memorize A Book Dare To Magnetic Memory Method

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Have you ever wanted to memorize a book?

If so, you may have checked out my "How to (realistically) memorize a textbook" using a Memory Palace podcast:

It's one of the most popular episodes I've ever done. And the 2020 updated video on YouTube is quickly growing in popularity too:

But I've never actually been dared to memorize an entire book ... especially from someone so convinced that it can't be done.

It has been (proof in this video) and will be done again. The only question is ...

Why bother?

Unless it's something like my verbatim project with the full text of the Ribhu Gita extracts:

Or rapidly memorizing a speech, like I did for this TEDx:

It's targeted memory missions like these that the Magnetic Memory Method is all about, after all.

So unless you're looking for the memory exercise and brain exercise, there are usually far finer ways to get learn rapidly and remember more from textbooks.

And there are far better ways to use memory techniques to develop as an expert.

This video will show you exactly the what and why of it all with a strong recommendation for developing the how (realistically).

Tune in and leave your comments below the video.

Looking forward to your thoughts and experiences! :)


Anthony Metivier
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I’m a Muslim, we have to memorize the entire Qur’ān, word for word, in the original Arabic. Someone who memorized it is called a Hafiz, or a guardian of the Qur’ān because you protect it by memorizing it completely in your mind.


In law one word changes everything, when quoting people one word changes everything, in religion one word changes everything, crime scenes, history, news, witness testimonies, etc. I wanted to learn verbatim chapter learning because memorizing a book or chapter word for word is important for many people for many reasons...including parlor tricks :-)


I completely agree that memorising entire book is a bit of waste, as we can select the information and strength up the connection with the ones which matters the most. The only challenge for me as a person interested in 'everything' is an efficient selection and categorisation of new material. I obviously know that it depends on the purposes... but still is very hard for me to single out the essentials without creating extended mess.


Its a great skill to have if you have a hobby of story telling and you want to convey a story verbatim


Sit down and do the thing. Thats the trick for about everything. Thanks Dr. Metivier


For you, memorizing a whole book is a waste of time, yes, clearly. But you are being so unfair to actors, who have to memorize whole texts/books verbatim, and to those who give long speeches, and to writers like me, who would like to have access to one's entire book, word for word, for any readings anytime.


I am a great fan of your memory ideas and follow your videos...I wish to learn how to apply the memory palace technique in remembering difficult science concepts...especially chemistry and life sciences


can I memorize 1000 pages if my highschool textbooks?


I also don't the the point of memorising an entire book word for word.


I think you are a genius in what you are doing - I mean Memory stuff
I love memory, because it is very interesting to me

Have a nice day


Save yourself time by memorizing the Cliff Notes books of all the classics.


can we reuse the same memory palace for other stuff .i mean for medical students


For instance: I like soccer, could you tell me please, why any sports fan knows the names of thousands of athletes. Even when they get retired, and later on they show up on tv, and we still remember their names. Why does it happen?


Absolutely agree, better to walk away with the facts and comprehension


You'll have to show people that you can memorise an entire book to show that you are credible and not just bluffing


Not very helpful for someone who has no visual or auditory memory.


Hello Sir, i want to remember hell lot of books, but running short of memory Palaces.. Please help.. If possible create app for digital memory Palaces.. I know if you try you can do it sir.. Thanks from 🇮🇳 India..


Hi Anthony Metivier! Hi MMM Masterclass! The other week I was in PSJA H S and I asked the students to do their work. They said they have all they need (cellular and computer). They said, they do not need to study, grab information in their minds, niether a teacher because everything is in the internet. They said soon there will be no teachers. I asking myself we need to develop skills, besides any job test us plus require official study documents. Maricela G TX MX
