2022-08-12 NITheCS Webinar: Martin Bucher, Mapping the Initial Conditions of the Universe using ...

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2022-08-12 NITheCS & Department of Physics, Stellenbosch University
Prof Martin Bucher
(Université Paris Cité/CNRS, Paris, France & NITheCS)
Mapping the Initial Conditions of the Universe using the Cosmic Microwave Background
Abstract: In the 1980s a plethora of new theories such as inflation and topological defects were put forth linking new physics beyond the standard model and the large-scale structure and initial conditions of the universe. However, at that time little relevant data were available to test these theories. Observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) have played a central role in establishing cosmology as a real science where the range of plausible speculation is tightly constrained by observation. Even though today many open questions remain, the general outlines of the correct model are believed to be known, and we believe to have characterized the cosmological parameters and initial conditions for structure formation at about the percent level. I will review the state of theory prior to the precision measurements of the CMB anisotropy now available, thanks largely to the ESA Planck mission, and explain how these observations have changed our understanding of what took place in the early universe. I will also discuss how future CMB observations should lead to even tighter constraints on what happened in the early universe.
Prof Martin Bucher
(Université Paris Cité/CNRS, Paris, France & NITheCS)
Mapping the Initial Conditions of the Universe using the Cosmic Microwave Background
Abstract: In the 1980s a plethora of new theories such as inflation and topological defects were put forth linking new physics beyond the standard model and the large-scale structure and initial conditions of the universe. However, at that time little relevant data were available to test these theories. Observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) have played a central role in establishing cosmology as a real science where the range of plausible speculation is tightly constrained by observation. Even though today many open questions remain, the general outlines of the correct model are believed to be known, and we believe to have characterized the cosmological parameters and initial conditions for structure formation at about the percent level. I will review the state of theory prior to the precision measurements of the CMB anisotropy now available, thanks largely to the ESA Planck mission, and explain how these observations have changed our understanding of what took place in the early universe. I will also discuss how future CMB observations should lead to even tighter constraints on what happened in the early universe.